View Full Version : im back

16-06-05, 12:31
hi everyone
long time no see, i havent been on computer for a while as they only reconected yesterday afternoon, ive been having a few probs with my breathing again, its when i wake up in the morning, i feel like im out of breath again, ive been doing painting and cleaning and ive had a bit of a runny nose, i dont know whether i should see the doc or not as i dont know if its on my lungs or if its respratry [excuse spelling] my anxiety has calmed down a little i havent woke up with those horrable symptoms [touch wood!] but ive been out a few times and nearly panicked [jittery] hope you are all ok
luv sue x

16-06-05, 12:55
Glad to see you back Sue well done for coping so well.

Take care.

Love PIP'S X X

16-06-05, 18:07
Sue ,

Nearly panicking isn't panicking so carry on getting out there a bit more ..

You may have been affected a bit by the paint- it can make you more aware of your breathing so see how it goes .. sounds like you've been doing well

Hows Dad ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-06-05, 19:28
Yes well done Sue, you sound to be doing real well,, make sure you open them windows when painting, sleeping amongst it can affect your chest, breathing etc, take care love Alexis,x

16-06-05, 19:46
Hi Sue

Good to see you back.

Perhaps it is the paint that is effecting your breathing.

Well done on not panicking when out however!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

17-06-05, 08:59
thanks guys,
how can you tell if you have something wrong with your lungs though [like infection or other] cause it feels uncomftable, esp in the morning, if i had something wrong would i be out of breath constantly, ive got a slight cough,sometimes dry, i know it makes me feel panicky and sometimes my breathing feels worse, i just cant tell whats going on please advise
luv sue xx
meg- my dad isnt to bad he has good days and bad, hes just started driving and been getting mustle pains, but they are slowly going thanks for asking