View Full Version : Hate to admit but Im a "twitcher"-

19-11-08, 21:25
Hi there, I am new to this site and this is where I am going to stay. I have visited a few sites and wow I wish I had never. I know it was in good intentions but I should no better.
I am 28 years old and in April I was DX'd with a disorder that I am SURE many of you are aware of "BFS" (benign fasciculation syndrome). I have had the proper test, EMG, and neurological exam by a Top Neurologist actually Cheif of Neurophysiology who gave the UNBELIEVABLY MEDICAL NO NO but a 100% that I did not have ALS.
I still continue DAILY to suffer over my fears of having such a detrimental disease and maybe I was misdiagnosed. Though in 11 months nothing has changed for the worse IF ANYTHING has got better. I had a bout of twitching before in Jan 07 but it went away, I mentioned it to GP and NEVER thought of it again...Well I googled this time and here we go!:lac:
I have lost my marriage OVER this fear and anxiety because I became a recluse and very hateful and disturbed. I have a beautiful daughter and there were and are days I just cry and think GOD PLEASE NO please no...I notice at those times my anxiety is at its highest and I can take a chill pill and it calms me down. I am currently on 1mg of Klonapin 3 times a day as needed but I try to stay alert and not over do it :scared15: I am so determined to get over this fear and live with BFS. This is not my FIRST health scare as I will admit I have had many from HIV to Cancer, to Cancer, to Cancer to Std's and did I mention cancer. Now I twitch, we all know where that took me and from all the horror stories and misinformation I have prob read and gained over time about it I cant shake it. I need help and I need it now so I can watch my child flourish.
I feel like I have written enough maybe to much and I do need to go to get ready for a dinner party tonight but I hope to come back with some replies.
I hate to think there are other bfs'ers out there but then again I am thankful I have something in common that is scary and people can relate to the fear.

Any thoughts are welcome..
"Slightly Obsessed":blush:

19-11-08, 22:01
Hi again

as a fellow twitcher i totally know where you are coming from, it is a horrible uncotrollable thing and as you mentioned in your other post to me the websites relating to it and the other rare causes are terrifying to anyone with health anxiety.

so just to say i know exactly where you are and there seems to be quite a few fellow twitchers on this site, so hopefully we can all support each other!

feel free to send me an e-mail, think my address should be on the profile page, hope you had an enjoyable and twitch free dinner party x

19-11-08, 22:50
Im new to the site and new to the twitching (started about 2 months ago), it is the scariest symptom I have, I've always had heart palpatations and thumping chest for as long as i can remember but during/after my own HIV scare (seeing them 3 letters makes my anxiety flare up to boiling point) which i was sure I had which two tests confirmed i didnt i've developed twitches and boy are they scary. Now im sure i have cancer but 3 blood tests and a chest x ray later its came back clear according to the doctor im extremely healthy. But none of the above have allayed my fears. But thats HA so i know how you are feeling

19-11-08, 23:58
Funny you mention "HIV" scare..Not that I am trashy person but before marriage I had my share of one night stands..any how when I was pregnant I had to have a HIV test for some reason it just NEVER registered with me that I would have to have one..it never crossed my mind and Im a nurse-- hospice tho.
Anyhow, I saw the BIG BOLD CONSENT form and my heart went into panic mode and I freaked out and didnt sign it. Well I obsessed for three weeks and after I finally said "you know what my daughters health is so much for important than ME just finding out I have HIV I need to call and schedule them to just do the dang test" , well when I called to my surprise they did it anyways and it was NEGATIVE :yesyes: Thing is..I didnt believe her- I had her fax me my records and made my husband drive BACK to his office to get the lab work papers off his fax machine THAT NIGHT so I could see before my own eyes- it was exactly 5 days later when I got over that fear that these twitches kicked in.
Could it be ANXIETY over load? Who knows?

How old are ya if you dont mind me asking? Cancer , I would say chances are you dont have- believe your doctors. Most of my hospice patients are cancer patients and well..its just not something a doctor passes off I promise you.

Slightly Obsessed

20-11-08, 00:29
Just reading your post my heart started to pound seeing the word still terrifies me.

I'm a straight male and 23 but had a few one night stands at uni and read an article about HIV and that was when my anxiety started. After i got the all clear ( I put off getting the test for 2 months and then waited 3 weeks for the results) i nearly cried, it was such a relief, during that time my anxiety was at the highest its ever been. Then a month later my uncle died from stomach cancer and i started thinking about that and checking regularly.

I found a lump under my arm, i was tired all the time having night sweats and after googling my symptoms I feared the worst. It turned out to be glandular fever and i was really ill, now after a 4 months im feeling better but still convinced i have or will have cancer. The effects of anxiety don't help. Which is wierd because i take care of myself as much as i can.

I exercise 5 days a week i dont drink or smoke and eat realitively healthily, i get my 5 fruit and veg a day and 2 litres of water but enjoy the odd treat or two. But i just cant shake the cancer worry. The only time i feel anxiety free is when im exercising, which i cant do 24/7.

I bought a yoga game for the nintendo ds and one of the options is exercises to calm nerves which help as do the breathing exercises but its never completely goes away.

20-11-08, 05:38
I am so sorry to hear your fear. I am thinking off and on I am dying of ALS. Which just cannot be possible after this time limit. TO me, Its irrational... for me to even think I could have such a disease. As far as cancer I've been there- but can I tell you the truth- I have been exposed to cancer patients . I am a hospice nurse..you dont "think" you have cancer- Cancer doesnt get passed off as a "what if".....its "this is probable"..... "this is the approach".... "this is what were dealing with"....U cant miss cancer. ok- its sorta cut n dry to many test out there. When you said 3 letter word, I assume
HIV" if you tested its negative, your home free. I researched 2 years into it.
its NOT that hard with the new tests these days.
I know I sound high and mighty now- truth is..I took my klonapin, had a few glasses of wine and I feel 100% NORMAL. What does that tell me?? Its anxiety- sadly where do I get my relief? Alternative medications/ drinks....but its not serious...
Hope I helped some,

Slightly Obsessed :noangel:

20-11-08, 16:54
It definitely has helped, thanks alot. I know my fears are irrational too but i guess that's HA. I listen to a lot of guided meditations and soothing music ive downloaded from the web they help me calm down at night and going the gym for a swim then sauna and jacuzzi helps me tremendously. But knowing i take care of myself is the most reassuring for me.

agent orange
20-11-08, 19:24
hello. I have those awful twitches. I have had them for several years and I think they are very normal and can be indicative of stress/anxiety and tiredness. In fact I have recently had a bad bout of them and they have really frightened me because I was worried about MND which I think you call ALS in the states. I went to the doctor who said no.I have actually been diagnosed with USD (undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder) check out my threads if you are interested, this comes with quite a few symptoms. It is a mental health disorder and translates anxiety into somatic symptoms. It is an interesting problem and this is my battle, not knowing if a symptom is real or a somatic 'all in the head' problem.
Take care
Agent Orange.