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View Full Version : Burning sensations

20-11-08, 00:08
hey guys
my newst problem is burning sensation that comes on my face,neck, and iv even had it on my arm and right leg but not as bad as my face!!! what is going on it is very painfulish and it stings @ first i fought it was frm alcohol anti bac gel rub, being splashed accidental on my skin on saturday but not sure as its quite strong burning im wondering if its serevre nerve pain or sumthink/?? becos doctor said that to me a while bk...wen i had the burning down my right leg. but i hate it in my face i cud cope wivit on my leg but this is unbearable and funnyily enough it actally makes my cheeks luk red i think,so im seeing doc tmoro need answers as iam at my wits end jus dnt know whats going on.does anbody have this or ave any advice?? not sure if its an allergy to that stuff or frm the anxiety,thanx for listening once again and thanks. best wishes C.xx

20-11-08, 04:37
HIya I hope all goes well at the doctors. From time to time I get a burning sensation on my leg, but its not as bad as you describe yours. Im sure every thing wil be fine. Keep me posted about how doctors goes :)

20-11-08, 12:03
Hi, i get burning sensations too in my arms and legs...i see from the list of anxiety symptoms its mentioned there so others must experience it too...let us know what the docs think x

20-11-08, 14:19
Thanks for the replies been to the doctor see seems to think it could be an allergy maybe to that alcohol gel rub of somthink else so she gave me some Prityin Allergy relief tablets to take 3 times a day. and also took blood tests which will b bck on monday with any look, as im s**tting myself .fingers crossed im not ill please guys she wanted to check for things as im havin lots of probs could b hormones,thriod who knows?!:( thanks again.love C.xx

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