View Full Version : Aching/sharp pains right side, not eating, shortness of breath - ANYONE?! :(

20-11-08, 02:01
how can the above be anxiety?
I just don't understand it.

Does anyone else feel like their muscles are seizing up? I am in pain and it travels all the way down my leg too.

I get breathless most of the day, yawning and sighing to get air and I feel nervous and worried 24 / 7.

Can anyone shed some light? who else gets this?

20-11-08, 02:07
yes i can vicki i get the same chick try not to worry do u ave msn? add me im always online kendricksbabygal@hotmail.com ur not alone luv C.xxx

20-11-08, 02:40
I have all those symptoms except my pain is down my right side and my diaphragm too

20-11-08, 04:26
Ive been getting sharp pains in my right side of my tummy. Its horrible I hope your ok xx :hugs: