View Full Version : Tired, sore throat, saw doctor, now what?

20-11-08, 03:08
Hey guys, I was looking for some sort of website where I could ask people for help with illnesses and stuff. I'm glad that I found one, but before I make any introductions I'd like to get down to the point.

For some weeks to maybe a month I've been feeling alot more tired than usual. Whenever i walk up the stairs at school, i need to use more effort to life my legs. My throat has also been hurting for sometime now. i saw the doctor and he told me that i may have mononucleosis (i think that's what he said). He said that if i dont get better in a few weeks i should get a blood test. After those few weeks i felt better, and thought that maybe i just had a sore throat. But for the past two days i've been feeling the same effects.

So should i go for the blood test or wait it out a little longer?

20-11-08, 04:25
May be have a blood test to put your mine at rest. I hope your ok :) xx and im sure every thing is fine x

21-11-08, 04:09
hehe, thanks.

but im starting to grow a bit more worried now. my fatigue has gotten worse... the good news is that my sore throat isnt as bad anymore. so yeah, im even more tired than before. any suggestions on what might be going on?

21-11-08, 11:23
You might be anaemic, that would make you tired if you are short of iron. I would go and have the blood tests if I was you.

21-11-08, 15:03
It might be glandular fever which is very common in people at school/college, also known as the "kissing disease". It does make you very tired for quite a long time and it will show on a blood test, so don't worry too much. Get the blood test done and put your mind at rest.

21-11-08, 15:35
Have a blood test it will be able to tell you better then we can guess. I have just gotten over glandular fever myself and you described how i felt. But there's a thousands of harmeless reasons why you could feel fatigued.