View Full Version : Question about antibiotics

20-11-08, 10:40
HI All, i have a really quick question. My tooth is really painful again today and i phoned up the dentist to see about getting antibiotics she said the dentist wouldnt give me any because i am pregnant?? I know i can have a certain type as i had some a few weeks ago. Seeing as i wasnt getting anywhere i left it and just remembered i have a doc appointment booked for tonight. If i go and see him will be prescribe me antibiotics even though its tooth pain? surely they cant let a pregnant lady be in pain :D

20-11-08, 10:51
Hiya im not sure. But I hope he can its horrible suffering with a tooth ache. I had one took out a couple months ago and it got infected it was so painful hope your ok. have you tried to take a paracetamol It might just knock the pain down alittle bit :hugs:

20-11-08, 11:09
HI All, i have a really quick question. My tooth is really painful again today and i phoned up the dentist to see about getting antibiotics she said the dentist wouldnt give me any because i am pregnant?? I know i can have a certain type as i had some a few weeks ago. Seeing as i wasnt getting anywhere i left it and just remembered i have a doc appointment booked for tonight. If i go and see him will be prescribe me antibiotics even though its tooth pain? surely they cant let a pregnant lady be in pain :D

Antibiotics won't be any use for just pain. If you have an abscess they will kill the bacteria thus relieving the pain that way BUT if you only have a cavity antibiotics will do nothing to relieve the pain from that.

20-11-08, 11:14
O :( i dont have an abcess ( had one b4 wow! thats pain) so i guess theres nothing i can do until baby Ewan's born :(

It just keeps giving me a headache and sending shooting pains round my jaw :(

20-11-08, 11:17
have you tried to take a paracetamol? they are fine to take during pregnancy. hope your ok :)

20-11-08, 11:19
Yeah i have but its not really helping. Never mind :) its only 7 weeks


20-11-08, 11:23
do you know what your having? The last 7 weeks drags so much doesn't it. I was over due with my daughter x

20-11-08, 11:24
Yeah its a little boy we picked the name Ewan Taylor Male so very excited. Last weeks are dragging already i have to start my maternity next friday too so god knows what im going to do at home for 6 weeks. Anything but googling or obsessing :)


20-11-08, 11:27
come on here and talk to us. Is this your 1st child? My maternity leave went so fast. I use to work as a carer for the elderly I hated going back. x

That is a lovely name you've picked as well x

20-11-08, 12:04
Are you sure it's an infection????

Antibiotics wont do anything for you unless it is. x x x

20-11-08, 12:10
HI Leeann, thanks for all your posts yeah its my first baby, very excited but scared at the thought of being a mum lol. Dont want to tempt fate by doing his room up but i think i should start really :)

Joyce - hellooo- no its not an infection but dentist said 'o you need antibiotic's if it hurts' but then wouldnt give me any lol - strange

20-11-08, 12:12
Have you had an xray?

20-11-08, 12:14
Hi Diane, dentist said i couldnt have an xray whilst pregnant but will have one after. All she said was it needed root canal work


20-11-08, 12:17
I was just going to say that it sounds like root canal work, which means there will be an infection there, your own doc cannot give you medicine for dental treatment, i've tried. They're not allowed to interfere with dentist, i'd go back and tell your dentist that its too sore to leave.

di xx

20-11-08, 12:20
Hi Di, if there is an infection there surely that needs to be sorted ASAP because im pregnant? grr dentist said 'speak to the doctor' to see what antibiotics he can give you.

o well


20-11-08, 12:24
Yes hun, it does need to be sorted straight away, the idea of having root canal treatment is its the only way to get to the infection without having to have it extracted. I've had root canal done a few times and i know how painful it is if its left, if the dentist leaves it too long the infection will spread and you will lose the tooth, ask dentist why they can't do root canal now, being pregnant shouldn't stop it.

di xx

20-11-08, 14:10
Silly question but what kind of pain is it that you have?
Is the gum really red and angry looking?

is it constant pain and is it getting worse, does it keep you up at night??

Could it be your making it sore with the fidling, cos i do that.

can you use bonjela to numb it ???? sorry, how long till your bubby is due??

You poor thing you have really had a rough trot.

20-11-08, 14:24
Hi Joyce, only 7 weeks to go cant wait :D the gum is a bit red dentist put that down the to lovely pregnancy gingervitas ( spelling) but the gum doesnt really hurt. Seems to be a bit tender becuase i recently took up flossing. Its not a constant pain more twinges in my jaw and cheek and when i eat or bite down it hurts to touch the tooth too. Of course i am trying to leave it alone but i will admit i am probably fiddling with it making it worse grr. It wakes my up at night but i have a feeling i grind my teeth in my sleep because when i wake up i get loads of pressure in all my teeth like i have been biting down really hard. I can certainly cope with the pain what i am most scared of is if there is an infection in it which can do me or the baby harm. I realise this is probably unlikely.


20-11-08, 14:34
Hey there..
I am in AGONY with toothache (waiting on FOUR being removed). I just finished a course of antibiotics but its not done anything for the pain. I am on co-codamol for that.
I can completely relate to the shooting pains too. Its even making my frigging ears hurt now :(


20-11-08, 17:22
As long as the pain is caused by an infection and you need antibiotics, Penicillin is frequently offered to pregnant mums.

20-11-08, 21:15
Hello all, just to let you know back from the docs who happily gave me antibiotics he was annoyed at the dentist leaving me in pain for so long. He also felt my belly to see where the baby was lying and he couldnt find his head :wacko: lol he did however feel a big foot lodged under my rib :)

Thanks for all your responses


21-11-08, 09:27
Oh wonderful, I hope you feel better then matey x x