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20-11-08, 10:48
Has your periods been affected with suffering anxiety? :)

anx mum
20-11-08, 10:56
Yeah my periods r all over the place at mo

20-11-08, 11:09
snap! I hate it, Im going to have a cup of tea. Then I have to go shops im dreading it really dont want to go but have to.

anx mum
20-11-08, 11:12
Do u have trouble going out aswell? I can only go out in my partners car in shops i panic

20-11-08, 11:19
Yeah I do have trouble. my partner doesn't drive so we have to walk every where. Which is horrible when im feeling like this. But im lucky that my partner is with me all the time. He tells me every thing is ok.

20-11-08, 11:35
Mine didn't show up for age and now they have I'm having the most horrible time with them.

20-11-08, 11:46
hiya i get very upset and angry when im due on and dont want to go out, i'd rather hide in doors all day

20-11-08, 11:58
Hello there,

I had actually logged on to write something else, but just felt compelled to reply to this thread.

When I was at my worst with HA last year, my periods went from being perfectly well-behaved (like clockwork, they were) to being ALL OVER THE PLACE. It was a nightmare! It started when I had a couple that just didn't stop, and then the final straw was one that was so heavy when I got out of bed one morning that I looked like I'd been shot. Well, that was it. I went on the Pill to give me some respite and am now too afraid to come off it!

But the flipside is the Pill has its own side-effects, which can worry someone with HA. I'll admit, there are times I wish I could just have everything taken away and never have another period again. :weep:

I share your anxieties and your fears, I really do :hugs:


Anna. x

20-11-08, 12:04
Thanks for the replys. Its horrible. Why can periods make us feel so awful. :weep:

20-11-08, 19:57
hi all im so glad i found this thread ...
mine were like clockwork too ......and now i start at the begining of the month and the nothin til near the end of the next month how bizare!!!!!!
tht makes me worry all the more us women honestly we go through enough dnt u think .........


Gem Can't Switch Off
20-11-08, 20:10
hi girls- don't say you wish you didn't have them 'cause I want them!! I came off the pill two years ago to try for a baby and they haven't come back- I've had every test under the sun and there's nothing wrong- apparently it could be stress related- the more I worry the more I won't have a period but it's doing my head in!!!!!

20-11-08, 20:20
My anx gets worse a week b4 and leading up 2 ..I have endometriosis so the pain is terrible which makes me more anx and Im sooooo moody and snappy my poor daughter is the 1 that usually gets my tantrums haha ......poor thing x.......I was ment 2 see some 1 at hosp 4 a hormone test but havent re booked yet x

23-11-08, 04:25
does anyonelse experince a type of soreness on the lower abdomenin, i went for a run today after a very long time and i just couldnt do it i got this soreness there and that gave me even more anxitey, im not sure if this is realted to my period because i shoulnt be getting it for like another 2-3 weeks, or is it just gas on ingestions. Also has anyoneesle's anxitey causing more than normal discharge even when it is not close to ovulating, is that normal?

sorry about rambling