View Full Version : sorry, again

16-06-05, 13:08
yeh i know i just posted something, but the postman just came, and there was nothing for me.

i was told originally that it could take up to 2 months for this legal affair to be sorted out, but it will be 1 year next month.

at one stage i neraly gave up my life, not going out at all, too scared of a postal deliver with bad news etc etc, when it got very bad i tried to kill myself. i think it was only at that stage that family/freinds it finally sunk in to them, all this time i have been trting to expain to them about severe anxiety disorder, that is was having such a crippling effect on me and my life.

i know that if i get bad news it could be a criminal prosection. is it such a big deal? the soliciter says if that happens , it is the end. but im not sure in waht sense she meant. i try to have postive thoughts about criminal prosection. did you know that winona ryder and halle barry both have criminal prosectins and had to to community service? if they can do it so can i. the only thing is, i am not a criminal. the "crime" is that i mismanaged my money and got into very serios debt, whilst being too ill with anxiety to beaheve anyhtng like normal. i thought my mum had been taken over by aliens and was an imposter, for. e.g. so i dont think people should be punshsed for being ill, and not being able to fuction normally.

i could go on for ages more:) it is a relief to be able to type this and know at least someone will read it, and i wil have communicated.

thanks so much everyone :)


16-06-05, 14:00
Don't apologise, post as much or as little as you want. They all make interesting reading. :)

"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

16-06-05, 17:21

This has been hanging over you for many months now , I remember when you first told us about it it was fairly imminent then.

I hope practical things have improved since then which will stand you in good stead in court.

Glad you got over the worst dark days and have found a more positive outlook. Its amazing how many people have had criminal proceedings brought for financial messes whilst incapacitated.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-06-05, 17:22
i agree with bluebottle we all need support andhelp in our life at some point

feel free to pm me anytime leo05

16-06-05, 19:49

It is sure dragging on isn't it. I really hope it gets sorted soon for you own peace of mind.

We are here if you want to rant and rave ok?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

16-06-05, 23:53

We are always here for you so dont feel you cant. You have waited a long time and it is no wonder you are feeling how you are.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

21-06-05, 13:45
hello all,

a thankyou to those who sent replies, and sorry not replying to you individually.

yes, you are correct, this thing is just dragging on. in fact i don't even want to think about it right now.

re: positve things, yesterday i took the plunge and started doing a drawing class. its quite a big deal for me as i have to be out all day as the course is 10am - 5pm. so this is really challenging my postal delivery phobia. it also means i have to get on the tube train at the busy time of the morning. i was pretty nervous the day before i did feel quite panicky, especially as it was sooo hot, but i managed to be ok,

the class was very good, it was a bit hard to focus sometimes cos of my anxiety about not being at home to check the post, but i did stay the whole day and i liked the class environment, calm yet relaxed. and i feel i learnt new thigs and therfore developed as a person. i hope to so this for the next 4 mondays.

again, big thank you for all your support :)


21-06-05, 13:52
Hiya Oshun,

Thats fantastic!! Its great youve decided to go, and that it went well.

It will give you somthing to focus on, enjoy and meet new poeple.

Well done:D

Tatty B xx

21-06-05, 13:56
thanks tatty b

great name by the way...is it somehting to do with favourite childhood teddy bear? cos if so i have one of those too :)


21-06-05, 13:58
Ah thanks :D

Its because I love the Me to You Grey Tattybears (from clinton cards!)

Tatty B xx

21-06-05, 14:11
What a positive thing to do for yourself Oshun. Thats great to see you challenging several things at once.

Hope you really enjoy it.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

21-06-05, 16:02
hi oshun,

well done for joining the drawing class, pleased you enjoyed and had a positive experience.

you take care .. andrew

21-06-05, 17:42
Hi Oshun

Well done for joining the drawing class. Hope it goes well.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.