View Full Version : Trying to help myself , but need correct terminology

20-11-08, 11:58
Hi everyone
Ive done a few posts on here now ,and i do really appreciate those who answer or just read them........it helps.

A poster in a previous post brought up a good valid point that seems to explain more about me:

A)Either you think you have something deadly and you need to get it looked at.

B) You think you already have it , and fear that you will pass it onto others and kill them.

I seem to fall into the (B) more then (A) , but i would like to know , what exactly is the condition called to be thinking/suffering along those lines?.

I do have other factors that come into play as well , like washing hands all the time , cleaning the kitchen/food areas over and over , changing the tea towel before guest arrive to make sure its clean ect ect.

I thought if the "condition" could be narrowed down to a name , i could then look into it more , and perhaps do study cases on it on what other people have done and try and help myself.

I know it can be a deep and complex thing but will try and beat this myself.

Also , i still don't know what even triggered this in me? and i why i even think this way.No other family member has these problems.
Regards Dean :)

21-11-08, 17:08

i seem to be more A than B , i would love to know how to control this and win his battle i am trying and i will keep trying till i get there:wacko:

21-11-08, 18:30
i'm definitely more A. in fact, i look around and think, "yup, i'm the one who is going to end up with a horrible disease." don't know why i feel like i have a target on my back, but that's the best way to describe it. anyway, i think the cleaning and repetitive checking falls into the obsessive compulsive category, but you would need to see a professional for a proper evaluation.

21-11-08, 19:22
Im definitely a mix of both. I find i always wash the toilet seat after i use it, i keep my toothbrush out the way too.