View Full Version : Birthday

20-11-08, 12:31
I went out for my birthday last night, had far too much to drink, didn't go to work today, and now I'm having a serious attack... honestly feel like I'm going to die... heads banging and I keep worrying that my limbs won't move!! urgh, I know booze has made this happen but I'm seriously worrying that if I sleep I won't wake up. Not had a panic this long in months!!x

Diane O'Brien
20-11-08, 13:05
I know done the same thing with alcohol. Try and drink plenty of water to flush it out. It will get better. It is the alcohol making u like this. Your sugar levels will have dropped which makes anxiety symptoms stronger, the shaking and feeling awful. Just have a relaxing day and the feelings should subside.

Take Care Hun

Diane xxx

Other then that did u have a gud nite. Happy birthday