View Full Version : burning, gurgling, churning .

20-11-08, 14:05
I am having some real issues with my tummy. I wake up in the morning and have to go to the loo about half an hour later, and have fairly loose bowels though not the runs,but it smells pretty bad. My stomache most of the time is making really lots of noises, and sometimes sounds like a washing machine swishing about. I seem to have a lot of gas( both ends) and I get this horrid burning that goes all the way from the top of my chest down to the top of my legs. I feel quite sick sometimes, but even when I dont, I have little appetite,and dont enjoy the food. I havent actually been sick though.
the doctor has examined my stomache and says it feels like a perfectly healthy one, I had fasting blood tests, and all came back fine in fact the doctor said my blood count was excellent for a girl, urine sample fine, blood pressure fine. The doctor doesnt think there is any cause for concern I dont really have pain in the gut just discomfort would the blood tests of shown up anything serious? Does anyone else feel like this? :scared15:

20-11-08, 19:51
hiya hunnybunny

i get this with having ibs im not sayin thts wht u ave but its what i experience daily its awful really gets u down...
glad everythin was ok at drs im sure if it was somethin it would be in ur blood try not to worry hard i no ....

feel free to pm me anytime if u wana chat or anymore advice
take care xx caz xxx

21-11-08, 09:18
Hi Hunnybunny

I have this too. Well, I have the loose stools and the constant gurgling in my stomach/intestines. not had teh burning sensation though.

I have had a blood test - not a fasting one, came back normal. A blood in stool test - came back normal. I have now had a barium enema, and I will get the results next week.

21-11-08, 19:39
I got myself in a real state when my symptoms first started, to the point where I couldn't eat. Unbeknown to me this made my stomach worse.
I was advised by the doctor that not eating made my stomach produce more acid, which made me feel worse, so I didnt eat.....the cycle begins.
On his advice I made myself eat someting every two hours, just a little bit, and stuck mainly to starchy food, jacket potatoes, mash, pasta, rice. I also had some of my mums gluten free biscuits to nibble on. after a week I was so much better, so it was worth the perseverance.
Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you too.
