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20-11-08, 14:38
im off to drs again at 4.20pm, i cant deal with this anymore, when i got up this morning i thought i am not thinking about moles,cancer etc etc, and i did quite well for about an hour and then i found myself checking moles again,why do i do this to myself?

i feel so silly going to drs again as i only went the other day, i feel like going in with a bag on my head i feel that silly, this HA seems to be getting out of hand again at moment i dont know if its because im a bit down,money worries,fella problems etc maybe this has woke it up again, i dont know.

i think deep down i know there is nothing wrong with the moles, i now have 2 i want lookin at :blush:

neither of them has changed but they are just different from my other moles,
i explained on a thread yesterday how one of them looked
the other one is under my right arm near to my arm pit, its not changed in any way but it is light brown, perfect borders etc it just has a bit of dark brown at edge it isnt black just a bit darker brown than rest of it but it is still a perfect border where the brown bit is and it is only little i dont even know why i looked at it ...:blush:

i have got to get this sorted there is so much i want to do with my life, and i feel this is holding me back and its affecting everything with my fella, the kids etc i just want to be happy

i am dreading going to the drs evnen though i think it is ok im terrified i will be told its not :weep:

20-11-08, 15:31
awww jen babes u will b jus fine dont worry, but good u going to docs, try get some more conselling mayb.

its so hard to know how to get these thoughts out your head, i really dont know wot to say, i know i had it but i did get it to go away by staying busy and not thinking about it, easier said then done though. hugs let us know how u get on xxxxx

20-11-08, 16:39
ive just been to drs

i explained how i seem to be getting worse again, when i had my counselling before he told me he would leave me an open appointment if i ever needed it i have asked the receptionist to contact my counsellor for me as i feel i need it at the moment, hopefully i can pull myself back round again before i have the appointment.

i showed her the moles i was worried about,she says they look absolutely fine and they are nothing at all to be concerned about

i am going to believe her and i have got to stop this,there is nothing wrong with me at all, and now i have the reassurance on the moles i will not find something else to worry about, this HA is not going to beat me again, i am going to concentrate on my family and my long term dream of becoming a midwife,i am going to fight this and this time i will try my hardest to win

thank you so much to everyone and especially donna01 who has been a fantastic friend to me,

thank you for all your replies and reassurances they mean a lot to me

20-11-08, 17:42
aww glad it went well hun, i just emailed u xxx