View Full Version : Hi all im new here , but would love some reasurance

20-11-08, 14:44
Hi all ,

dont know where to start but im gonna give it a go :unsure:

I have had really bad anxiety for about 4 months now , but just recently it really has flared up , I also suffer with quite bad OCD , with intrusuve thoughts which really scare me , but I am beginning to start to accept that they are just thoughts and nothing else , but it gets soo difficult sometimes not to dwell on them !!.

My main problem by a mile at this moment is worrying about going mad , Ive googled and read too much lately and I know i shouldnt have done that as past experiences tell me that its not a good idea ! , my biggest fear is that im going to turn schizophrenic , and the more i worry about the symptoms the more my anxiety makes me feel paranoid and then starts playing games with my thoughts , I know in my heart that the thoughts are totally irrational but my anxiety blurs it sometimes and I find if i dont keep on worrying about going mad , I will , errrr ???? , lol

I have taken some reassurance that ppl who develop serious mental illness , dont have much insight into this , but it is somtimes not enough to relax me !!!.

So here is a shortened version of my life story , lol , but would love to hear from ppl that can relate or put my mind at rest a bit

Thanks :)

20-11-08, 15:04
Thanx for the reply , it just seems that the anxiety does rear its ugly head when im more stressed than usaul , I did forget to mention in my last post that I am currently on prozac 20mg and have been for the last 4 months , and although it did make me feel better , when I get slightly stressed the anxiety comes back with avengence !! , I was also prescribed some diazepam which i had started in the beginning but worried I might become addicted so that worry outwieghed the worry from the anxiety.

I am due to see a psychiatrist at the priory which Ive had to pay for myself as the NHS waiting lists for CBT is ridiculous plus im not really getting anywhere with my doc and although shes very empathetic I feel I just need some solid reasurance. I know in my heart of hearts that It is just anxiety but because of my OCD Im constantly doubting.

thanks for listening :)

20-11-08, 15:21
hi ian i have had anx for about 6 months and i also have ocd
when my anx was at its worst i 2 thought i was going to go mad
this does pass

20-11-08, 17:23

You're not going mad - however, I know it feels like it. This thing does make you feel as if you are going mad especially when anx is at high levels. Intrusive thoughts defo make you feel as if you are losing it but they do pass in time.

The psychiatrist will put your mind at rest just as mine did. I asked if I was losing it (through my tears) - he smiled and told me not by any means was I. That was music to my ears at the time.

I don't blame you for getting yourself booked up at the Priory - nice if you can afford it - I'd defo see one of their shrinks if I had the money.

Good luck to you and don't research it doesn't help in the longrun.


20-11-08, 17:48
Ahh thanx hun and all that replied , its always nice to hear from ppl in the same sort of situation , It does make me feel better because it so easy to fall into the trap of feeling that ur facing things on your own so thanx !!

yeah the decision to go to the priory was because the pycharatrist wrote one of the books im reading on OCD , and ocd with the intrusive thoughts you can get with them makes it really difficult to talk about so I had to find someone who would understand , if that makes sense ! , lol. it cost me £250 for an hour consultation but least he will diagnose my anxiety and put my mind at rest :) his name is Dr david veale and he cowrote the book overcoming ocd , its a fantastic book , highly recommended !

20-11-08, 18:01
yep def agree , the book is great !!! , cant recommend it enough !!!.

and i also reach for it whenever ocd creeps up on me , and i find it really calming !!! , which is def a welcome relief :)

yep the guys name is Dr david veale and he cowrote the book with a CBT therapist.

Ill gladly write back to the forum with how I got on !!