View Full Version : New - and suffering heart arrhythmias in benzo. withdrawal

20-11-08, 15:58
:shrug: :shrug: Hi everyone, I found this website today and I must congratulate you on such an informative place to visit - the advice and information appears to be spot on, and it's great that you have input from people in the medical profession. I have been in a slow benzo. withdrawal for 18months - I started on 10mg Diazepam and am now down to 1mg at night. It's been a bit bumpy, but I was determined to get there, and I have never gone backwards in my reductions. My problem is that the panic attacks and PVC's that I had in the beginning have suddenly returned and I don't know why. I could put up with the poor eyesight (blind spots), extremity weakness and nerve pain, but when my heart starts playing up it really scares me. Is anyone else on here in the same position (ie in benzo. withdrawal) and has this happened to anyone else? Would be lovely to hear from you!

20-11-08, 16:02
Hiya Skippy

Welcome along to NMP!

Hope we can offer you lots of advice and support.


20-11-08, 17:59
Hi Skippy

Just wanted to say well done for doing what you've done, and thanks for your post on my thread about coping with panic attacks in cars. I think having 'safe' places to aim for is a really good idea.

Good luck, take care


21-11-08, 09:28
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

22-11-08, 03:37
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x