View Full Version : so fed up

20-11-08, 17:27
feel like crying today sorry for moaning - im so tired and im fed up of how fat and ugly i am. my husband works away 3 days a week and im on my own with the kids and i feel so low and lonely but if i wasnt so fat and ugly i would maybe want to do more things or have the confidence to


20-11-08, 17:30
No need to be sorry for moaning, we all do it, and lots of it too. I dont think you should beat yourself up and say your fat and ugly, as im sure your not and your just having a down day.

Hope you feel better soon

20-11-08, 17:38
Hi hun,

I have days like these. Unfortunately mine happen more often and not. I have things go over my head like "If i wasn't so effing hideous, perhaps my husband would have loved me, or that i would have friends"...

Having self-esteem certainly helps with confidence, i would love either.
Hope you feel better soon..


20-11-08, 17:45
Hunni ur alive ,enjoy ur life. theres nothing a matter with you were all beautiful inside and out so. dnt get down.we all have days like these but try and be postive about things .u are a mother to not sure how many children and its hard u obvios do a wonderful job....maybe ur confidnece needs a lil boost get ur make up out and do somethink to ur hair maybe jus to add a lil sparkle not saying u need it or anythink but thats wot i used to do if i was feeling miserable wiv the way i looked,as i ave 2 children too and it can b hard,try and relax.love chantelxxxx

agent orange
20-11-08, 19:09
oh Bab, try not to put yourself down.I know I don't know you, but what really matters is what's on the inside. We perhaps want to be fantastic people on the outside, but lets look on whats in the heart. I bet there's loads of people who love you for who you are. It's easier to be negative and not like or love ourselves, but we must start with ourselves, does this make sense? Take care.
Agent orange.

20-11-08, 19:16
your all so lovely, and i know its on the inside what counts and i think im a good person(albeit a nuts one) but im so low just now my confidence is at rock bottom and i just feel horrible nothing fits and no point going shopping as it makes me feel even lower when big sizes are too tight - i used to be ok what happened - im sorry for sounding shallow

agent orange
20-11-08, 20:20
You are not being shallow. You are just feeling off at the moment. I cannot suggest anything that could help you, but if your family love you then that is a good place to start and may'be they can make you feel better and help you to climb back ontop again. I send you a smile and a hug.


20-11-08, 20:46
Hiya hun ....I can relate 2 u as i feel exactly the same ....I hate how I look and would love 2 be slimmer ...My life is my daughter and I try and hide how I feel around her but that just means I feel worse about myself as I keep it inside .

I know if you are like me that no matter what people say 2 u u will still feel the same .
I went out a few weeks ago 2 hen nyt had been years since Id beenout ..had a gud tym but then when I saw the fotos I cried 4 days and got sooooo anx .

I think its lack ofconfidence with us and esp when you have a family etc your life is so revolved around them that u forget about yrself x

Im sendin u sum big hugs 4 bein a beautiful person and a fab mom 2 yr kiddies x:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

20-11-08, 21:05
agent orange thanks for being lovely, and titch you just made me cry.. im so fed up but you are just so lovely

agent orange
22-11-08, 08:54
Babs. How are you today?

22-11-08, 09:28
Hiya Bab ....
How are you 2 day hun ?
Hope you are ok .....
sorry 4 makin you cry ...but you are a beautiful person even if you dont think it yourself ..I bet if you asked your kiddies what they thought of their mom..they would make u smile with al the lovely things they think about you xxxxxxxx

Hope u have a gud weekend and PM me anytym u need a chat xxxxxxxxxxxxx

22-11-08, 09:56
oh guys

i just feel so horrible compared to everyone else and im not looking for compliments - theres nothing i like about me - i am a good person but then i think bad things happen to good people so maybe i should become a bitch. i feel fat ugly and thick - you are all such lovely people and thank you titch and orange xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

anx mum
22-11-08, 10:21
Hi its Bev did u just get my private message?

agent orange
22-11-08, 11:18
hello. i too have sent you a private message.