View Full Version : Cancer Worries Again !

20-11-08, 18:14
Hello Everyone,

A couple of weeks ago I was convinced I had breast cancer! My doctor managed to put my mind at rest and I have been ok since then, but this week I think I have lung cancer, last week it was ovarian cancer.

I cough up slight phlegm sometimes but I havnt got what I would call a cough. I have had heartburn also this week so therefore been thinking of Ovarian cancer again!!!!

My goodness, I cant stand it. I was at the shops today and everyone was all happy and christmas shopping and I just felt so low and anxious.

I am waiting for therapy, I have finaly been refered by my doctor.

I just feel so bad and just want to be normal (weep)

Love Jo

20-11-08, 19:13
Hello Dotcom,

You certainly aren't alone here, most people can relate to the way you feel. I have suffered from health anxiety for years, mostly cancer worries, and i know how awful it makes you feel. So pleased you are going to get some therapy, because at least you can now take some positive action, and hopefully you will be able to control the anxiety. All the best.

20-11-08, 19:18
hi I have been the same these past few weeks! i have convinced my self i have skin cancer, lymphoma, mouth cancer and breast cancer then it has been the cancer spread etc!! i am also waithing for therapy i am not sure how long that will take i am on the waiting list. just to let you know your not alone!

20-11-08, 19:26
Nope you definitely aren't alone here - I have bowel cancer/ ovarian cancer on my mind most of the day.:weep:

20-11-08, 19:33
when im out in the supermarket and i see happy people doing their normal everyday things i just think back to before my anxiety and wish i was 'normal' again

20-11-08, 19:35
Yes me too Shaky.:weep:

I worry more because I'm 45 now and I suppose that's the age that most problems start appearing.:weep:

21-11-08, 17:05

me too!! this week ive had ovarian cancer and skin cancer and a bit of hiv thrown in as well

i just want to feel ok and be happy because i have everything i want and i should be happy,

i try and stop worrying but for some strange reason i think if i stop worrying then i will definately get something :blush:

21-11-08, 18:26
we are all the same, aren't we! i feel the same way, i look around and see people laughing and joking and feel like i'm the only one who walks around plagued with these silly thoughts! right now i'm obsessed with breast cancer and have poked and prodded myself til i'm sore and swollen... seems like i get like this around the same time every year.

21-11-08, 19:32
Oh breast cancer was about 5 weeks ago for me - I've moved on to all the other cancers lower down now.:blush:

21-11-08, 20:03
it's a shame that we worry so much... especially when we don't have anything serious to worry about. sure, i have the normal stuff like money concerns and things, but generally, my life is good. it certainly could be worse. my biggest problem is probably my HA and i blame that on myself. i want it to stop, but it's not like a light switch that i can just turn off. anyway, i can only give you the same advice we have all given each other and ourselves... you are likely 100% healthy. the only thing you can do is going to the doctor, explain your concern and symptoms and get checked out. then you MUST trust the doctor and try to move on. i know it's easier said than done... good luck.

23-11-08, 04:14
so nice to know i am not the only one with these reoccurring thoughts, but i wish i knew how to get past this, i am 21 years old and its taking over my life

23-11-08, 12:44
Ive had Motor Neurone this week and Lymphoma. Still got them both!! What a nightmare. Oh abd heart problems lol....

23-11-08, 19:07
Its so reasuring to know Im not alone on this.

Its taking over my life,


23-11-08, 19:14
Has anyone got any ideas on how to get rid of these thoughts. Everytime I remember my neck lump I feel it and keep checking. Been to docs twice, had it 3 weeks, sure Lymphoma would of flared up by now?

24-11-08, 00:19
i wish i knew how i could just make them vanish, but it takes alot of work and re directing the attention elswhere which does not always work for me, there must be an easier way
but about the lumpy feeling in your throat, i had a freind of mine who also was going through anxitey and she was experincing that feeling, but when her anxitey started to fade away she gradually didn't feel it anymore, it just went away.