View Full Version : Hello

16-06-05, 15:03
Registered yesterday and have become addicted already. Im looking for some support from people that really understand what it is to suffer from Anxiety\ Depression and everything that is entailed.

Just started on latest round of medication on this occaision Atenolol and Cipralex. Waiting for Atenelol to kick in at night too and for the Cipralex to stop competing with me to see who can create the most anxieties.

Anyway, looking forward to getting to know everyone ... but like everything else in life, feeling a bit anxious about my leap into forums and chat rooms with fellow sufferers, incase I add to my list of symptons.

Thanks everyone JO xxx

16-06-05, 15:11
Hi Cinders!

Welcome to the forum, you have certainly taken a very positive step in joining. It's a very friendly and helpful forum. I've only been on here a couple of months and it has certainly helped a great deal i'm sure it will greatly benefit you as well.

Good luck


16-06-05, 15:59
Hi and welcome to the forum.

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

16-06-05, 16:16
hi welcome hope you are good we will all try our best to help and support you i know how you feel when you get down etc so feel free to pm me anytime and i will talk to you about anything

take care leanne (leo05)

16-06-05, 16:26
hi cinders...
welcome to the site...
everyone here is really friendly...
just ask anything you want to know and someone will be able to give advice...
there is loads to read here... i have found this site great

16-06-05, 16:28
Hi Cinders
Glad you have found this site, i have found it so helpful over the months, good advice and friendly people who understand and do not judge, i haven't picked up any others symptoms since being here, read what's relevant to you, it will help take care and keep in touch.

16-06-05, 16:47
Thank you everyone [^]
What a lovely warm welcome, I hope I am also able to offer support to many of you. I have been experiencing depression and anxiety along with panic disorder on and off for at least 12 years. ( and according to therapy.. much longer than that if Im honest).

Over the years various things have helped at various times, but at the moment Im having a flare up and nothing helps.( or so it feels).

I know I will come out the other side, the rational side of me does anyway.... But need to hold on tight in the meanwhile. Glad I found this site, although not found my way around yet.


16-06-05, 16:49
Welcome Jo,

This is a great site!!!!!!


16-06-05, 16:49
Hi Jo,

Its great that you know about the likely sideeffects of your meds are and thats it won't kick in for a few more days yet.

We won't judge but we will encourage you to progress and move along in recovery. It sounds like its been quite a journey already for you.. Do share some of your circumstances when you're ready.

If you find that you are starting to get affected by other posts - do take a break and maybe find some support in chat.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-06-05, 17:02
Hi Jo

And a big welcome [^][^]



16-06-05, 18:19
Hi Jo

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

16-06-05, 18:57
Hi Jo, welcome, it will take a while to find your way about.
If you are worried about adding to symptoms come into chat, everybody is there if anyone has problems but usually lots of other issues are discussed and it can be extremely entertaining, it starts anytime after 7.30pm, it can get very busy.It is ok to just sit in at first if you dont feekl you want to join in, just tell them when you enter, hope to see you there, love Alexis,x

16-06-05, 19:15
Hi Jo

I am pleased that you decided to join the forum and post.

I hope we can be of some help to you.

Let us know if you need any help getting around the forum.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

16-06-05, 19:39
Hi Jo,

Welcome to the site,


16-06-05, 21:18
hi jo,
welcome to the forum! hope to catch you in chat soon,
henri x

16-06-05, 23:47
Hi Jo

Welcome to the forum and i am sure we will all be able to help you.

Good luck with your meds, i am on the same anti depressant as you and it has changed my life so much.

Look forward to hearing how you are getting on.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-06-05, 11:44
Hello again, Im overwhelmed by the number of replies to my introduction. Thank you. Didnt make it into chat last night but maybe tonight or over the weekend, look out for me xx

17-06-05, 12:14
Hi ya
Welcome to the site honey.
Hope you find it helpful as I have.
The people here are friendly and if they can't help they will know someone who will

with good wishes


24-06-05, 00:14
Hi Jo,

Good speaking to you in chat tonight.

I have found this site and chat so good since I joined in February and I know that you will do likewise.

Historically, I have felt undervalued and so coming here and being on a par with so many people has been tremendous.



Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

24-06-05, 20:08
thanks Ray, We'll chat again soon. Yes I agree on here you do feel equal to everyone. Its great. Jo.