View Full Version : i am new

20-11-08, 20:16
i am 19 and suffering from severe depression and anxiety and i ave since i was 15 but alot has happened in the past year and it has made it so so worse i just feel howbad can it get as i am only 19 lol but i am starting anxiety classes next week but i can see agraphobia starting as i am never ut because i am so anxious been going walks throughout the day and stuff, but really can't get over it just now! :(

20-11-08, 20:32
Hi Naomi

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:


20-11-08, 20:38
hi welcome to nmp

20-11-08, 20:53
I am new at this. I don't know how this works. I have had a really tough 3 months. Basically:

-got laid off (asked to stay on until December)
-my mom was admitted to the hospital (she has lung cancer, lives at home with my dad and brother but she was not breathing properly so we brought her in)

-Looking for jobs, updating my cv (i am married, have a house, mortgage - can't afford to be out of a job- I owe a little under 10K in credit card debt. though i am paying it off slowly it is still stressful). I have a very demanding full time job and i work nights every saturday.

-My mom comes out of the hospital but i get the flu and a sinus infection

-My employer offers me my job back because they made a miscalculation and really should not have laid me off in the first place. I didn't know if i should take the job or not just because it felt weird.


-I accept the offer to stay on permanently. I got a raise but it came with more responsibility so.

-My mom ends up in the hospital once again.

-I got my period, and hemorreaged. my gyno said it could have been due to stress, fatigue.

Basically, i am really tired. in the past couple of weeks i have noticed fluttering under both my eyes. First my top lip was twitching on the right side. Now, it is just trembling.

I can't sleep.

I saw my GP. Said it is most probably due to stress. I am so worried. I just want to cry. I don't want to be sick. I just want to be normal.

Please someone reassure me it is just fatigue or stress related. Please someone reassure me that it will get better and how.

21-11-08, 09:27
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

22-11-08, 03:36
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x