View Full Version : worried every day

21-11-08, 01:54
hiya, i have had my worried for ages i am so frightened something is wrong with me all the time.....i had my blood tests they were ok but i still worry ...is there someone who worries daily bout any healthy issues?

21-11-08, 02:10
Me, all day every day. It's horrible and the worries never leave me

21-11-08, 02:45
I have good and bad days but there is always a lingering thought there...

21-11-08, 07:45
I have good and bad days but there is always a lingering thought there...

im like that. but the past month It has been terrible. :)

21-11-08, 08:00
hiya, i have had my worried for ages i am so frightened something is wrong with me all the time.....i had my blood tests they were ok but i still worry ...is there someone who worries daily bout any healthy issues?

No, but I do worry about my cats health.

21-11-08, 15:51
Hi Gem, you are definitly not alone, take me for example i have worried about something everyday for the past 5 months and im really not exagerating its awful. I have gone through every possible cancer and other things you can have and its like i have to worry. I have had a bad tooth for a week and that has dominated my thoughts all week, i got that sorted last night and today i started to feel nervous for no reason out of no where i thought omg what happens if i have cervical cancer i havent had a smear yet as i am 20 and they dont do it now until 25 i am paying for one privately after the baby is born but i am sat here convinced i might have cancer. I am petrified but yesterday it was my tooth it drives me nuts that i have to worry about something. I spoke to my doc and he said this is the brains way of venting things and thats why its constant. It really is exausting and terrifing as the fear is very real. Hope you ok though :)

21-11-08, 16:08
Hi Gem

Me too. For example, for 2 weeks i have had a lump on my neck, got it checked by 2 docs, so all ok there. Day after I went through a dizzy spell, was worried about my heart. Now my body is all achy, im especially worried about one arm. Thinking its Motor Neurone as we know someone who has just died of it. So yes im exactly the same. Athough all this in reality is due to anxiety and the fact that I use a computer all day everyday for work. Plus my muscles are tense anyway.

Easy to write down, but getting it through my head is a different story :-)

21-11-08, 18:34
i'm exactly the same. actually, i will be fine for months and then BAM! the scary thoughts come back. i have been convinced i was having a heart attack, lymphoma, skin cancer and breast cancer. when i'm not anxious, i can think about these things rationally. other times, they completely consume me and take the fun out of everything.