View Full Version : Food for thought!

16-06-05, 16:16
This one makes you think.

Went to walk up to school today with my sister to collect Millie, third day of my half a mile uphill walk [^]

Got about two hundred yards from the house and though, oh no my pulse is racing today, kept it to myself but my sister could tell something was wrong (I stopped talking...no comment please). I told her that my pulse was really racing and I may have to go back [V] No worries she said, try my pulse is it much faster that mine?

Well - long story short, Claire's was faster than mine!!!!

That was it, panic ceased and onward march to school...That power of teh mind is still amazing me, I am going to start questioning night and day soon!!!!

Got to school, happy, chilled and relaxed and 10 mins quicker that yesterday...all because I stopped listening to my head.

Go figure!

16-06-05, 16:23
Weird what your mind can do to you hey, It feels like to me that my mind gives me a different symptom everyday!!! And it is very bothering!

Take care and keep up the good work!!


16-06-05, 16:37
well done keep it going

take care

leanne (leo05)

16-06-05, 17:07
well done.

My friend did that with me also and I managed to run the 5KM on sunday.

Her pulse was always faster than mine it was just that I was more homed in on feeling mine.

Your doing fantastic



16-06-05, 17:15

I do like this new inquiring mind of yours - its learning about things for real rather than assuming and presuming the worst case scenarios for them.

Keep it up..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-06-05, 19:52
Well done on controlling it Angie and realising that it was all perfectly normal.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

16-06-05, 21:25
hi angie,
well done! it's weird how our brain works and how powerful it is. as soon as i started realising that a lot of the panic was to do with my brain's reactions to things, and started challenging that reaction, i started feeling better (although if i'm having a really bad panic, my brain still wins!)
keep it up,
henri x

16-06-05, 21:33
It takes loads of practice and some blips but it does get easier..


17-06-05, 17:01
Well Done Angie!

Keep up the good work hun!

Take care,

love PIP'S X X

17-06-05, 17:23
Hi Angie,
Well done, you sound loads better!!!!

I do try the positive thinking approach, why doesn't it work for me LOL!!!

Anyway, really glad to hear how well you're doing.

Take care,
Lots of love, Linda.xxx

17-06-05, 17:48
Hi Angie, well done keep it up, love Alexisx