View Full Version : admitting my anxiety

21-11-08, 05:26
So i have a bit of general anxiety and a bigger bit of health anxiety.
the funny thing is...nobody knows. i havent told anyone. not my friends, family, boyfriend...nobody. i feel that if i tell people they will think im either faking, crazy or overreacting. i dont want people to look at me differently. i dont want people to know that im secretly freaking out for no reason.

what are some of your experiences with letting your families and friends in oin your anxiety. have the been supportive or just...rolled their eyes and told you to just relax? (obviously if it were that easy nobody would be on this website)

21-11-08, 09:04
Hi MTK, I think it depends on whether the person you tell has had any previous anxiety themselves, if so then they are usually very understanding and will listen and offer advice. On the other hand I find that some "normal" people just can't grasp what an awful time we go through and dismiss the subject. That is why I am so glad that I found this site, at least we are like minded folks that want to help others in distress and at the same time get good advice for our own problems. If there is someone close to you who will understand, then it will be of great benefit to you, do you think there is someone who would understand?

21-11-08, 10:51
I have never told any of my friends and family... I sort of told the guy I'm seeing but he finds it really hard to understand.

So glad I have this website!

21-11-08, 11:32
hey there
none of my family or friends know i suffer anxiety/panic coz of similar reasons you have expressed.
my parents are the sort of people who say 'whats she got to be on meds for' :doh: so annoying so ive always kept it a secret from them and have done for the past 8 years!!!!

i have a lovely husband who doesnt understand but tries to listen as much as he can.
