View Full Version : Kind of scared...and Just need an answer please!

21-11-08, 06:05
Ok this will sound lame..but I am so freaked out I dont even mind...

My fiance was trying to give me a hickey because he had never given one before...so I let him...but shortly after...HE let go and I wiped the spot and what I wiped away was a light pink color...Im thinking my blood actually came out! I know what a hickey is...but I always thought the blood stayed INSIDE.

He doesnt remember eating anything red lately..so I am scared...Has this happened to anyone else? Is this something to be scared of? I have been doing so well with my panic disorder I don want this to start my worrying all over again!

Someoneplease help me with answers...I would very much appeciate it.

Also one more...I think I have a hickey on my tongue...Is that even possible? Gah I feel so lame right now!

Thanks for all the help in advance!!!

21-11-08, 06:19
No worries, you will be fine. It is unlikely that the suction needed to make a hickey will be so strong to cause it to bleed, but it is possible. The reason it gets red and then purple kind of like a bruise is because the suction is causing microscopic blood vessels to burst therefore causing the discoloration. It is nothing to worry about, just like a bruise it will look nasty but it will go away when the body reabsorbs.

And no, you can't have a hickey on your tongue... perhaps you have a sore of some kind ... many reasons to have discoloration of the tongue but none of them to be concerned about unless it is bleeding heavily or you feel pain or discomfort. You will be fine.
