View Full Version : Oh boy scared, Brain tumour, shaking woke me up!

21-11-08, 07:20
Hi All

before we start this was not the normal jump you get as you drop off to sleep this was during a dream and after I have been a sleep for several hours.

I was having a dream, my wife was in it and for some reason we had to get away from some where the dream progressed to a point where I was talking to her and I got to a word that I suddenley started repeating again and again I felt a familiar feeling that I have felt when I am awake (a feeling of over controllable excitement that to be honest can cause me to enter an anxiety attack)

I then woke it probably only took 3 seconds but as I was coming awake I was shaking only when I regained full consiuosnes it stopped.

I felt scared, small headace but not anxoius and my stomach was turning.

The only thing that bothered me and bothers me now i was it a siexure from a brain tumour :-( has any onehad this.

big :bighug1: to anyone who can help

21-11-08, 13:31

21-11-08, 15:20
It was just a night terror im sure i wouldnt worry darling,i get it esp wen im drifitng to sleep im jus settlng and my body jumppss and wakes me up but sometimes it isnt strong enough to wake me fully!it was proberly jus the dream that frightnend you that ur brain woke u up out of the dream our minds are very powerful things i wouldnt worry.everythinks going to b alright!! love best wishes Chick.xx

21-11-08, 16:01
Don't worry you'll be fine it isn't a brain tumour just one of those moments.:)

21-11-08, 19:58
I wake most mornings with a slight shake, but I now tell myself that I am ok and there is no need to shake, and it will stop.

21-11-08, 20:20
Hi hun :D :hugs:

It sounds to me like your dream caused an adrenalin rush, which in turn your body will try and get rid of by shaking.

I know its hard for you not to worry, but worrying will only cause you MORE anxiety, hunny, this IS NOT a brain tumour or siezure. When acute, I had this wake me up many times, it is very frightening when you don't know whats happening :hugs:

Weather awake OR asleep, when acute, our bodys over react to any changes in our bodys.

After you woke up, you felt scared, this is only natral, you have had a fright, when scard the tummy will churn.

Allso, when you where fully awake, your, what I call atomatic response kicked in, your brain understood there was NO danger and your body went back to normal mode.

Hunny, this can happen from time to time, as you can see by your replies, IF it happens we need to eccept it, BUT, DO NOT expect it to happen.

Please hunny :hugs: but this down to a confused dream a little anxiety within the dream and an adrenalin rush.