View Full Version : Last chance saloon - visit to the consultant

21-11-08, 08:10
Am feeling very anxious about my trip to the ENT consultant today, my GP said this was it, if they couldn't find anything then I would just have to live with it and the pain :(

I am worried I won't say everything I need to say, I'll miss out some critical symptom that would help them diagnose me, I have written it down, but they always question you with their own agenda so sometimes you miss things out :(

What if they just send me away with no solution, that's what I am worried about most :(

21-11-08, 13:58
Referred me for another scan, put a camera up my nose. Feeling so fed up, when will this end :(

21-11-08, 14:23
Hello sorry to hear ur upset....whats a matter? what is your pain? ive been to ent to and ive had a camera put up my nose!!! if u need some support dnt hesitate to contact me .Best wishes C.xx

21-11-08, 16:06
Chin up, there is a light at the end of the tunnel it is just a long way off that's all.

22-11-08, 21:55
Thanks guys. Well strange thing happened last night that freaked me out, had a flashing semi circle shape in my eye that kept flashing even when I shut my eyes and severe pain at the top of my nose, do you think the consultant could have dislodged something with the camera up my nose, I am freaking out now....

22-11-08, 23:20
Fairy....that sounds like migraine.