View Full Version : Breathing Problems ?

21-11-08, 15:17

I have got funny breathing again today, sort of short of breath and keep
sighing. I also feel restless as If I want to keep moving about, even though I am very tired?

I am not particularly anxious today, but could I be so used to it that I dont notice it anymore but its there ?

Oh Dear :weep:

Jo x

21-11-08, 16:26
My breathing problems are exactly how you described and seem to be worse when im not particularly anxious.

21-11-08, 22:51
I constantly sigh and often if feels like I can't get enough air into my lungs then I start yawning as I feel it is the only way to take a proper deep breathe. I went to the doctors about this and he said it was definetely anxiety and breathing that way had nothing to do with your heart or lungs.