View Full Version : only a week till my nightmare x

21-11-08, 15:39
Hiya folks hope you are all well .

Well as some of you know Im bridesmaid next Saturday and my anx is starting 2 creep back up ......I really am dreading it ......not just cause of anx but also because I dont know many people there I prob know 2 and Ive only just met them when we went on hen night ......They are sooooo different 2 me and dont have my humour so Im going 2 be sooo bored which will just give me more time 2 think about my anx .......Its going 2 be such a long day and very stresfull and because no 1 knows me or my anx probs I have no 1 2 turn 2 if I do feel ill ..arghhhhhhh. I know it sounds horrid but I just want it over with now .Plus bein in a dress thats laced up till u cant breathe doesnt help LOL x

Has any1 else dealt with anything similar and what can I do 2 not be bored or anxious x

Thanx folks x
Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxx

21-11-08, 16:08
Hi Titch, we all have to do things at times when we don't want to, and I am sure you will be fine on the day, the build up to the event is usually worse than the actual event. Anyway, I was wondering what the Best Man is like, it's his duty to look after the bridesmaids and he may be some handsome hunk of a guy - enjoy!!

21-11-08, 16:21
hi matey just wanna send u a hug and i know u panicking but it will all b ok hun, i have emailed u.

hope your day been ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21-11-08, 16:24
Hiya Titch

I know how worried you have been leading up to the wedding but remember that it's anticipation. You may surprise yourslf mate and have a fantastic time. It's going to be such an achievement for you and you will be so proud of youself for going through with it.

Try to think about the nice things hun, seeing your friend get married, being part of her special day, looking stunning in your dress, that Champange at the reception afterwards :winks:

If all else fails the just imagine the preist naked! Ha!!

You'll be grand hun
Love Lisa


21-11-08, 17:16
hi matey just wanna send u a hug and i know u panicking but it will all b ok hun, i have emailed u.

hope your day been ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hiya hun just saw yr email thanx hun xxxxxxxxxxxx

21-11-08, 17:19
Thanx 4 replies
..I know I'll manage well I hope ......Its just so different 4 me and if I thought I cud go and let my hair down get drunk and swing my knickers in the air then Id feel better ..lol....but they are all very religious and are all very sensible people so ..im going 2 have 2 try and fit in ....extra pressure .......Its a long day 2 be some 1 your not ..esp wen u feelin anxious ........Oh well ....I might get me a little hip flask 4 under my dress lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21-11-08, 19:45
Thanx tetley .....
Lol certainly wud liven it up haha .....

Iwill just be soooo glad wen its over and I know I shud think positive and try and enjoy it but so hard when u are with people u dont know or relate 2 x

hugs xxxxxxx:hugs:

21-11-08, 20:45
Titch if going to wedding and swinging your knickers in the air will help you through it then go for it lol.

No seriously you are going to do just great and I bet you will look lovely. Have a good time.

Carol x

nic x
22-11-08, 17:02
hiya hun xx im going to tell u again luv the same asisay every day!! u can do it darl, really u can!! u'v cum so far, the thought of it is more scary then actually doin it, honestly your such a strong person luv, just look back a few month and see all the things your starting to acheive, and this wedding will be another to put on your list hun xxxx keep up all your good work, your doing great!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

22-11-08, 17:07
Hiya honey, I was a bridesmaid about 2yrs ago & didn't actually suffer from anxiety then, but I sure as hell was nervous! How I got through it was, just focusing on how happy the couple looked (ok, they spilt up 4mths later but hey ho) and how nice everyone looked & I felt fab in my dress. I had a much better time once the meal was out of the way & I could mingle & go sit with my bloke, as I was on top table & he wasn't. Just make sure you don't have your knickers poking out of your dress. :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-11-08, 22:18
OMG ...4 days till weddin and my anx sky high ...x
My thoughts are all over the place ..I cant do it ,I cant cope I will crack up ,I wil be ill...why do I have such negative thoughts and not think wow my m8 gettin married im gettin pampered ,im gna have nyt out ....why do I just think negative ?

I really dont see how I can go from 8 in the mornin till god knows wot tym of the nyt without freakin out ...boo hoo x

soz 2 keep moanin about it but its such a big stress 2 me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Cathy V
25-11-08, 23:06
Titch, just take each chunk of the day as it comes, try not to think about the whole day at once. Then have a little break away in between the chunks. just find a corner somewhere and have a fag or a slug of champagne or whatever is going, loosen your dress a bit and just take a breather. And remember that you wont be the only one who feels like this, there will be others who feel overwhelmed, its a wedding and it can be emotional, so who cares if you end up crying, they dont need to know why.

Also remember that you felt like crap on the run up to the hen night, and you got through that. OK i know this is a bit different coz you'll be on show more but like i said, break the day up into parts, and just think about the part coming up at the time and not be thinking about the next bit until it happens.

I'll bet you'll be posting here on monday telling us how brill it was...you can do it chuck :yesyes:

25-11-08, 23:57
Thanx sooo much Cathy xx
The thing that Im stressin about is the time factor that I will be out all dayand nyt ..Im notused 2 it Im used 2 doin 4 hrs at work then home and no where else even hen nyt I knew that with in so many hours I wud b back in my safety zone ....x
I wil def be sittin in a few corners sippin on champs lol ..but my daughter gna b with me so not 2 much dont want her 2 see me dancin on tables wavin my bra in the air lol .
Its cus I dont know any1 either ..if I was wiv all my m8s Id have a blast and enjoy it but the thought of bein with people I dont know or who dont have my humour etc is very scary x

Thanx hun xxxxxxxxx
luv Titchxxxxxxxx:hugs:

26-11-08, 09:33
Hey Titch i so understand where your coming from mate.When did u agree to be bridesmaid?Before your anxiety started?Have you ever tried rescue remedy?That might help to take with you.I do agree with the others its always worse leading up these things that the actual event and it is very true.Cathy is right you need to break the day up,have little breaks if you can,learn to manage the days events have a plan worked out.I would feel anxious too trust me but i do try and manage things if i feel they are too much.You've got to do this you can't let your mate down so you need your plan of action to help you feel safer!:)
Ali xxxx

27-11-08, 18:59
Hiya folks ..
well 2 days till weddin and anx at a sky high level ....went and had tan yest and manicure 2 day and sat through both sooooo anx felt I was gna pass out ,shaky and feelin so hot and sik x
How on earth will I cope all day ..boo hoo ...I know I will do it but its horrible 2 think Its gna b a day with anx and panic .

Than every1 who has given me advise I really appreciate it .
I feel like cryin though at the mo and wishing it was all over xxxxxxxx:weep:

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

27-11-08, 19:11
Hi Titch,

Wish you all the luck and strength for Saturday. You'll look back at those photos and be really proud of yourself.

You was asked to be bridesmaid in the first place, so that says you are fit for the job :-)

What time is the wedding? Once you have done the main bit, kick your shoes off and relax

27-11-08, 19:14
thanx emma
i was asked last year hun b4 I had breakdown and didnt have anx x
The weddins at 2 but have 2 be at friends for 9 in the morn 2 get hair etc dun .....thats scary in itself lol.

Im gna do wot Cathy has sed and just take each bit a step at the time .

kickin off shoes and relaxin sounds gud hun ..lets hope I can xxxxx


27-11-08, 22:16

You ARE gonna do this lass, i just know you are

We are all routing for you mate. :flowers:

Loads of love


27-11-08, 22:54
you will be ok, even if you panic you will be ok, you are a wonderful person and deserve to have a good day,

28-11-08, 08:03
Thank you all sooooo much for your kind words and advice .
Its the weddin 2 moz so gna spend 2 day restin and practicin my breathin techniques lolx

I will let you all know how I get on ......just got 2 find a place now 2 put my mobile and my rescue remedy as havent got a bag ...think i will stick them down my bra lol xxxxxxxxx

thanx every1 xxxxxxx

28-11-08, 08:46
Just to wish you all the best for tomorrow, put a big smile on and dazzle them all. Will be thinking about you and look forward to hearing that you had a great time!! Will put you in my prayers tonight to give you strength and courage.

28-11-08, 09:09
Thank you Ddcoo thats very kind xxxx:hugs:

28-11-08, 10:30
hi matey, i know that day is getting closer, sending u hugs and talk to u on msn later if u about. hugsxxxxxxxxx

28-11-08, 11:53
Thanx Donna ...def chat l8r need u 2 make me laff like u always do lol hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x:hugs:

28-11-08, 13:29
i will do my best lol, u gonna b ok hun xxx

28-11-08, 14:31
Good Luck Titch:yesyes:
Have a great time, I'm sure you will be fine:D
We all get through these things
Take care and don't think about it too much, easier said then done ey:wink:
x x x x

29-11-08, 07:42
Well folks the day has arrived and I want 2 scream arghhhhhhhhh so there Ive screamed lol.

Feel so sick and anx but will be thinkin of u all 2 help me through x

spk soon xxxxxxxx:hugs:

29-11-08, 07:56
have a good day you'll be ok

01-12-08, 08:23
Have been thinking about you Titch, how did you get on on Saturday? x

01-12-08, 08:52
Have been thinking about you Titch, how did you get on on Saturday? x

Hiya .....Thanx 4 thinkin of me ..It went well ...I have done a thread in success stories aswell.

I did take some diazepam as I was soooo anx on the morning only half a tab though so it just took the edge off things .
It was very longday and I had ups and downs of anx but coped ok and everything went well 4 my friend ...even though i missed the group fotos haha ......dont think it surprised any1 as I always mess summat up haha x

Was glad 2 get home but did have a nice day x

Hope u r ok x
Titch (sam) xxxxxx

01-12-08, 09:14
Hi Tich, I'm soooooo pleased that you coped OK, well done you, as I know from past experience what an ordeal it was, and to cope on just half a diazepam was fantastic, I am so proud of you. *I never thought to look on the other site so will read your other post in a minute. I hope that Saturday's experience will help boost you morale and it is such a positive thing to look back on - may you go from strength to strength. xx