View Full Version : irrational thoughts, ne1 get them

21-11-08, 21:58
i get these horrid thoughts bou people i care about n about things e.g wat would people be like if i died or killed myself. im not suicidal but since i was really depressed and in a bad way they are still there in a lil way, does ne1 else get these if i dont think into them they subside but its not a nice thing to have, doctor has told me its part of my panic disorder can i have some views on this if theres nebody suffering to. thanx x
p.s it also links to cause iv had depression i think and tat never leaves u its always at the back of ur mind and u have good and bad days id like to hear from people like me xx its good to talk xx i think i over think lol

21-11-08, 22:19
Hi there,

I went through a really dark period from march to august this year and somewhere in-between I started to get these thoughts. Like you, i did not feel suicidal but I kept getting these thoughts like 'what would happen if i killed myself' or 'what if i did kill myself, how would i do it?' or 'would anyone really miss me?' I frightened myself silly and I actually thought that these thoughts were the first signs of suicide. I confessed my thoughts to my auntie who phoned my G.P and got me an appointment straight away. This was the turning point in my recovery. I have since seen a psychiatrist who says that these thoughts are a sort of warning sign that all is not well with our minds. But he stressed that these thoughts would not have drove me to suicide, they were merely a sign that I was suffering extreme anxiety & my thoughts were irrational. I do believe that I would never have took my own life although I was very low. At the time I was shocked and sickened by myself (as I have a two year old son) and felt selfish for thinking along these lines. I have since started taking fluoxetine and made other changes in my life (getting a job, getting out more etc..)

Have you spoke to your doctor about this? If not, this should be your very next step. Things will start to pick up soon, i promise!
Take care & feel free to PM me any time I would be happy help X :bighug1:

fed up with it
22-11-08, 16:14
Hi i am too struggling with suicide thoughts, they are with me none stop, i saw the doctor and a private cbt therapist both of which are saying its anxiety not depression. However i am confused as it feels so real. I am waiting to see a phychartist and for nhs cbt wich i have been waiting a year for! I am so scared as i get this dread around the future feeling and it feels like i am going to act, i get them bad when i am talking with someone and when i am out. Yesterday i was out with a friend and i left her to go into cbt she walked one way and i the other towards my appointment and i got the awful thought and feeling to wander off and kill myself, help is this what you had? sorry if i scared you or remind you of them.

22-11-08, 16:37
iI think this happens when your anxiety is particularly high there are some weird thoughts running riot in your head, I had a terrible feeling on a bus once I was on my s way to town and because you are so desperate for the whole anxiety thing to stop your mind does start to wander what if I remember just looking out of the window on the bus watching the world go by and wondering what it would be like to make it stop forever by killing myself, I then thought of my family and how this act would affect them, ie my 11 year old daughter whom I adore, it was then I decided to go and see the Dr and tell them how depressed and anxious I was, I also found this site and realised that this blasted thing is a lot more common than we realise and that there are probably thousands of people feeling anxious etc everyday and still plodding on there are also success stories where people have beaten it and are living a normal life, we will all get good days and bad days but bad thoughts can frighten you which is the anxiety playing its devious tricks on you again! so try and distract yourself or if you are really scared tell someone you trust or post on here,

Lots of Love

