View Full Version : New Here Not New to Fear

22-11-08, 08:16

My name is Lily. I have suffered from Panic Attacks for awhile. They recently had been getting worse. I've had the driving anxiety, movie theatre, crowded places, and just sitting at home afraid of hyperventilating from fear anxiety.
It all started when i feinted once form giving blood. It scared me so much i have been suffering from fear since. At first only when I was feeling a little feint would I panic. But soon I discovered that just thinking about panicing would cause me too panic.

Well enough of the depressing crap.

Whats new is I have found the answer! It may not be easy to except but once I let go the controls to my life and gave them to Jesus, life has been 100% better. He really can make a difference in your life. I've been a "christian" all my life however I have always insisted in controling my life and not trusting God to take care of me. Now I know that God can and will take care of me. All I have to do is let him. Sometimes I still feal fear but I just remind myself that God is in control not me. In my heart I know that what my body is feeling is not whats important or what I need to focus my attention on. Its what my soul is feeling. Fear is what happen when our souls are in distress. Well if my soul is with Jesus than I live in the perfect peace that he wants for everyone. I can be in the middle of chaos and if my soul is with Jesus, he comforts me and I feel no fear.

I hope that I dont sound like another one of those silly bible thumpers.

Truth is I am just a normal person trying to deal with this obsession of fear that all of us here on this site have gone through.

I tried to take care of it all on my own. I tried as hard as I could to fight it, but the more I fought it the worse it got, and the unhappier I got. I started to read Joyce Martins Battlefield of the mind. She refers in her book to 1st Peter Chapter 5 verses 6 through 7. I keep these words in my heart and recite them when I feel an attack coming on.

"Therefore humble thyself under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he will exalt you. Casting the whole of your care upon him. For he cares for affectionately and he cares about you watchfully"

This to me said that I needed humble myself and realize that I cant do it all by myself. The only one who can really truly help me is God. He really does care for us.

Anyway I am really happy to find this site. I hope that anyone reading this feels hope. If you feel like theres no way out think again!

Peace be with all,

22-11-08, 11:50
Hi there, i am also a newbie to this site and it is interesting to hear how you deal with this fear from a Christian viewpoint- i also became a Christian a few years- i was searching for some answers so joined the local church community- i know i feel so much calmer when i am with these people and when i am in church- but, if i am honest i havent really felt God take my troubles away as yet- i would love to feel this freedom as if my troubles are with God but there seems to be abit of a barrier and i would love to hear from you and how you reached this stage.
take lots of care
love Heatherxxx

23-11-08, 09:43
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

23-11-08, 16:20
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx