View Full Version : Yet another newbie lol

22-11-08, 11:33
Good morning :shades:
I got a bit of a shock just a litle over a week ago . I've got several health issues so I see my doc once a month ... I have a very weak heart so when it begins to talk to me I mostly listen ... A week before the regular doc appointment I began to have some pretty severe chest pains . I thought , awww well maybe it's just the fibromyalgia so I'll ask about it ... I went in and the first thing this stranger who looked just like my doc said was "if you don't find some way to get my fee paid this will be your last visit" When I didn't respond he went on to say my bill is now almost 2000.00$ Funny thing is I'm 100% covered by what passes in my state for Medicaid?! After I just sat there not saying anything he finally tells me he'll refill my meds this one last time . When that still got no responce from me he finally asks "is there anything else you need?" I managed to get out that I'd been having chest pains .... He stares at me and says " well of course , most people who suffer from panic attacks get chest pains" He hands me a perscription for Xanax and that's that ???!!!
I made it outside and even managed to get to the pharmacy before the bottom of my world blew out from under me .
I've heard of panic attacks but for crying out loud how dare any doctor say "it feels like a heart attack" I've had severial episodes of heart failure and I'm here to tell you I'd rather have the heart failure it's far less painful .
Anyway I began to look into all this brand new issue .
I've lived with fibromyalgia for the past 26 years and even survived cancer and spent several years on a heart transplant list ... The heart improved 36% still works and the cancer never came back . However I did have to have a full hystrectomy when I was 23 , I'm 45 as of the 13th of this month . I was told by an old fart of a doctor back in 1987 that I'd probably go thru early menopause ... So all these years I've been thinking there really wasn't any reason to ask a doctor why? why? why? Now I find out completely by accident that at the very least maybe I could've had a chance to stop or at least learn to cope with this ....
Well I've had my little tantrum and if you aren't ready to run for the hills then I'll probably make it thru this too .

22-11-08, 11:44
hi and welcome to nmp, you will find loads of great advice and support here and u will make new friends too. hugs xxx

Veronica H
22-11-08, 18:25
:welcome: Ravensong
Glad you have found us. When you have clarified with your Dr that your medical costs are covered then I think you should find another Dr. Meanwhile you could get the chest pains checked out at the hospital emergency room since you have a preexisting condition and the Dr has not examined you.

Hope you get the help you need.


23-11-08, 09:45
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

23-11-08, 16:18
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

24-11-08, 10:58
Good morning , all of you have made me feel so much better . As I mentioned above I have fibromyalgia so for the past few days I've been flat on my back in bed in tears from a very very severe fibro attack . Which was touched off because of all the above ....
Veronica your plan is exactly the one I have already written down to help myself to focus . Right now I feel stupid because I've for the first time in over 15 years allowed one doctor to hasve 100% control of my medications ! I take a lot of things for pain and for my heart the heart meds can cause my heart to fail if I have to suddenly stop taking them , only 36% of my heart works so these meds I hate to admit are the only reason I'm still around ... I will be here a lot more as soon as I can get thru this fibro attack , the only thing I can do to get thru it is to lie down or stay curled up in my favorite chair and take pain meds and it helps if i can sleep a lot ... I'm on day 3 of this one .... But you all have given me at least reasons to smile and laugh and not just sit and weep http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q7/ravensong777/ICONSforDREAMWITCHES/th_large-smiley-012.gif (http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q7/ravensong777/ICONSforDREAMWITCHES/?action=view&current=large-smiley-012.gif)