View Full Version : new and in need

22-11-08, 21:05
Hello every one,
i am 27 mother of 2 and wife of one, this is my first message on nmp.
i have joined to talk to people and make friends with people who understand my problems, i have friends but as you probably all know you mention you have phobias or panic attacks they try to help but unless they suffer from themselves you know they dont undertsand,
i suffer from panic attacks and a phobia of being sick and my children falling ill.
my children have both in the past have ended up in intensive care through illness and infections, both born very healthy but through bad luck have ended up very ill. they have made a full recovery but i still wake up every morning thinking is today the day they get ill again and end up back in hospital, my husband works away so i spend my evenings thinking horrible thoughts and feeling terrified of my own children
i think i am slowly going mad and i am not the woman i was 3 years ago, i am on medication which is one thing i never thought i would do, i feel ashamed and helpless,
i would be greatful for any advice and words,
please make contact

22-11-08, 21:34
hi there and welcome to nmp:hugs:

you'll find lots of people here with similar feelings as you and be reassured that you arent going mad. the illnesses of your children were periods of extreme stress in your life and its not surprising that you fear it hapening again.

have you considered requesting councilling as well as meds?

i really hope things get better for you soon:flowers:

22-11-08, 21:56
He;;o I Am Also New To Nmp.... I Am 47 Years Old And I Know How You Feel My Eldest Is Nearlt 23 And At Uni And The Probs He Has I Think Brought My Panic Attacks Back.... P;ease Get In Touch If I Can Help I Will...

23-11-08, 08:36
hello mini mog and snodsmum, yes i also do see a counciler as wel, dont think its doing much good though, seems quite patronizing at times, she tells me to try and controll my thoughts but they just happen, i feel out of control thats why i asked for the meds, some one told me it would help, thanks for your replies and kind words, please stay in touch, i would love to hear more from you.

23-11-08, 08:46
You need a different counciller, there are good ones out there who dont tell you what to do, they help you start on the right path to what you want out of life.

Youve got two wonderful kids a partner who provideds for you so with the right help and tiime set aside for yourself life could become more barable for you.


23-11-08, 09:52
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

23-11-08, 12:36

Welcome to the site I am sure you will meet many people on here who understand and will get some good advice and support.

Take care


23-11-08, 12:46
:welcome: to NMP

Mandy xx

23-11-08, 16:15
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx