View Full Version : Constant Headache

22-11-08, 21:34

I am not normally a headachy-type person but for the last 2.5 months have been experiencing a tension-like headache about 75% of the time. It is a headache that seems to originate at the top of my neck and feels like a slow vice over my head. I can function pretty well anyway but this constant, lingering, achy feeling is slowly driving me crazy.

Could this simply be related to stress and anxiety? I have health anxiety anyway so haven't been to see my GP about this yet (since I've had scans on just about every other part of my body!). Has anyone else ever experienced this? the thing is that I have not been that stressed lately and have really been taking care of myself--sleeping and eating well, some exercise. Could this be the result of residual stress (from months and months ago)? Should I be worried?

Thanks for anything you have to share,


24-11-08, 20:42
I have a headache right now lol..i hate them...do u wear glasses?? are u due an eye test?? this could be a reason for your headaches...xx

24-11-08, 23:48
Can be due to the tense muscles in your neck causes the skin over the scalp to restrict & thus the vice like pain. Try & relax your shoulders & use Radian B rub & ibuprofen xx

25-11-08, 06:03
I also get these headaches that last for long periods. I think I get them from a combo of eye strain and stress/anxiety. The pain usually radiate from my neck and shoulders around my head to my right temple. I find that ibuprophen/massage/ and limiting eye strain helps. Take care.

26-11-08, 15:06
Thanks for all your reactions. I don't think it's my eyes. I do have glasses to use occassionally but I will have my perscription checked just to make sure. I guess it must be stress and worry. It's hard to believe that this could cause so much constant pain. But I did feel better after looking at this forum and my headache went away completely overnight for the first time in over a week. So realizing that it wasn't 'serious' must have relaxed me a bit. Again, many thanks.