View Full Version : consumed by worry

22-11-08, 22:53
hi every one
sorry to post again.Had been having physio for running injury since april.Had been having physio who said it was hamstring injury.Went to another physio who said it might be a tumour in my leg.This was in august so went to my gp who said it was nothing to worry about and refered me to somebody else who also said its fine and was prob fluid because of the injury,Went back to my doctor a futher 3 times who again said everything is fine.Thanks to help of my friends and people on here thought that doctor was right and was fine.However over the past two weeks have become convinsed that there s something serious wrong with leg.It has consumed me its all i can think about ,my heart beats really fast and havnt been sleeping.I just cant think of any thing else i keep of the what ifs.When i become so worried i turn my phone off for weeks because i just dont feel like am able to speak to anyone and dont want to bother people with this again as everyone thinks im a drama queen and keeps telling me that its fine . I now feel guilty for turning my phone off and feel like a bad frend but when i get like thiis i cant seem to focus on anything it consumes me.I feel like i am selfish.Dont want to back to doctor because she is very abrupt me and i think she feel i am wasting here time
Sorry everyone am not even sure why i posted

22-11-08, 23:07
You posted this because you're anxious and want to talk about your problems, that is what this place is for. Well your doctor has said it is fine, so has a physio im sure all is well and good but you could always ask to see a different doctor for extra reassurance and discuss the anxiety you're feeling over this with them too. I suffer really bad with HA so i know that even after getting the all clear its hard to trust their diagnosis but if you start dealing with the anxiety it may go some way to allaying your fears.

22-11-08, 23:15
Hi Siobhan

Firsty dont apologise for posting thats what this site is for. I totally understand where you are coming from. Thing is with anxiety, when we hear 1 negative comment about a ailment for example and 10 positive things, we always seem to latch onto the negative.

Regarding your doctor, I have had a few whose bedside manners arnt to good, but if you are worried and its going to help, maybe go and see the doc but ask to see another one.

If your leg was a tumour, it would of got worst my now, I would of thought and certainly wouldnt of got better and then flared up again ( anyone correct me if im wrong? )

I shut myself away, dont answer the phone or go out, unless I really have to when i'm like you are.

Try not to stay in, as it will make it worse and keep posting on here, there will be many people, who can offer support and advice to you.

Take care and keep posting.

23-11-08, 09:36
thank you very much everyone know you are right but get myself so worked up and just feel so selfish.thank you everyone is reassuring to know am not the only person who feels like this at times.Emma i read your post entilted thoughts and wish i could give you some good advice but dont know how to stop this.take care everyone