View Full Version : Buzzing

22-11-08, 22:55
Anyone get a buzzing sensation in their muscles?

I've noticed im getting this more often i.e once a day and it feels like when my mobile on vibrate and goes off its happened when im lying in my bed and the mattress was actually vibrating too. It is really weird, i do twitch a lot and wonder if it was related. It really freaks me out when it happens

23-11-08, 00:32
Can;t believe you have this too!! I have been getting this the last few weeks! I can feel it especially when I about to go to sleep and it really does feel like the whole bed is shaking! Once I thought it was an earth tremor but then realised its me vibrating!! I think this is an anxiety symptom, maybe as we tense our muscles so much then when we rest its like our muscles our buzzing, or maybe the excess adrenalin?? I'm starting to think its nothing to worry about tho, (I got a fright the first time I noticed it!!) as I get it especially if I have stressed or anxious that day. It is such a weird feeling!

Anybody else reading this who has experienced please please speak up, give us a little more reassurance!!!


23-11-08, 00:57
Do you have tingling buzzing in the soles/heels of your feet when laying down?

23-11-08, 01:19
Hi There

Yes, I too get the buzzing in the soles of my feet when lying down in the evening. I can be watching television and then the buzzing starts. Its really weird, like a bee is trapped in the soles of my feet!! It is mostly in my foot arch yet it is really hard to describe. Its unpleasant but doesnt hurt. I kept wondering what it was but when I ask other people if they get it they just look at me like I am nuts (which of course I am !!!). I take 10mg Cipralex, wonder if that is causing this?


23-11-08, 01:21
i can definetely feel the buzzing more in my feet and lower legs, and I can really feel it in the soles of my feet but its more of an internal buzz than a tingling for me. I also get this feeling in my chest, vibrating sort of feeling.

When I am very tired I also get a lot of eye twitching and also a twitch on my lower lip in the corner of it, very strange!

Only had the lip twitch a few times, but get the eye twitch very often, and it is made much worse if I have been very anxious or had a panic attack the day before.


agent orange
23-11-08, 09:47
i get this too, i have had this for years. it is not very pleasant, but it is harmless enough.

23-11-08, 20:50
i've just started to get this in my foot!! very annoying!!

24-11-08, 00:29
I dont take Cipralex so i cant say my buzzing is caused by this. I assumed it was excess adrenalin rushing through my body but that not based on any scientific or medical knowledge i like to think its that as it calms me down.

26-12-08, 16:19
I'm having it in my foot arch and heel right now...and a bit in my thigh as well

Not painful...but very annoying, do u think exercise would help?

26-12-08, 16:24
I got it right now and i guess exercise will help if it does nothing but take your mind off it for a while

26-12-08, 16:32
I have a thread about this in the "symptoms" section. Would you mind replying there, :) thanks a lot

26-12-08, 19:48
yes i get this in my lower leg and foot on my left side def annoying

28-12-08, 01:37
I have been buzzing and vibrating for the best part of 18 months now...lol!

Whilst it is annoying, all it is a sign that you have crossed the anxiety threshold into physical anxiety and that your nervous system has been stressed and fatigued as a result.

Unsurprisingly, the quicker you actually stop interpreting these sensations as some lurking neurological nasty and just accept and live with the sensations for the duration the shorter your recovery will be. Stop interpreting and dumping anxiety on top of anxiety and recovery is inevitable.

Honestly, this buzzing/vibrating sensation is probably THE most common physical sensation physical anxiety effects our nervious system....annoying yes but 100% totally benign and harmless.

28-12-08, 01:46
Yeah, I've noticed I have it too, but it's usually when I'm resting on my arm or something and it'll start shaking and its like I can't stop it sometimes. Even when I think about it. The buzzing in my feet, I don't really get that unless I've been on my feet all day.

The one thing I hate as of late, is the buzzing in my ears, which is a sure sign the anxiety is still around. x.x

agent orange
28-12-08, 12:54
I have something similiar, but not sure if it is the same?
My left leg is pinging and tingling and i can actually see the nerves moving under the skin and I am finding it very stressful. I have had it before and yesterday it was not too bad. My foot is not numb but it is certainly horrible. I noticed it back in the summer. I keep thinking it is M.S, but i have had an mri scan in may and it came back negative, so they told me. Could it be that it has started to happen and it is perhaps neurological after all? When I tap the foot or that leg it vibrates. Can anyone advise?

29-12-08, 14:31
i get that feeling but i also get like i vibrating and buzzing feeling in my chest, scares the hell outa me!

15-01-09, 13:03
I've got buzzing in my hands and feet on and off - I had it for a few weeks before before Christmas and they stopped for a couple of weeks - now they're back again.

What's making me most worried is the fact that the buzzing gets much more intense when I bend my neck. I don't know why only the feet and hands would be affected by bending the neck, especially the feet as all their nerves are connected to the lower spinal chord are they not?

I'm afraid this is something physically wrong, i.e. MS.

Doctor checked my reflexes before Christmas and they were fine - does the buzzing/tingling get worse for anyone here when they bend their neck forward?

Is MS unlikely to progress to both hands and feet in such a short time, coupled with full body twitches, shaky vision etc., stop more or less completely and then start up again after a couple of weeks? Isn't there usually a period of a couple of years before "relapses" ?

I'm trying to calm myself down with logic!

I would appreciate any help, thanks.

15-01-09, 13:38
Let me add that before the tingling happened, I was worried about palpitations I was experiencing for a couple of weeks - then one morning when I woke up, I noticed my hands tingling. Then a few days after that, my feet started tingling.

What really started me panicking was when I bent my neck forward in work and I noticed the buzzing in my feet gaining in intensity. For a few weeks after that I got worse, twitching everywhere, shaky vision, internal tremors, buzzing legs, chest, etc. Then I seemed to get better just before Christmas after I went on beta blockers.

Cut to the weekend before last, I started getting weird palpitations again and so started worrying about that..... then I noticed the buzzing in my feet.... it's a vicious circle!

I have no weakness, loss in function in my limbs or anything, and my reflexes are fine. The buzzing is intermittent - when I wake up, I usually don't feel it - then I may notice it when I bend my neck while walking to work. It usually gets a lot better when I'm sitting in the house, and a lot of the time I don't feel anything when I bend my neck.

MS wouldn't progress to all extremities in the space of a few days, start affecting the rest of a my body in the following weeks, stop for a while and then start up again after another couple of weeks - this is more likely due to chronic anxiety?

16-01-09, 11:45
My left leg is pinging and tingling and i can actually see the nerves moving under the skin and I am finding it very stressful.

I have exactly the same thing happen in my arm, its calmed down a bit now but it always feels like its gonna start again. My forearm was pinging and you could see it happening under the skin too.

15-02-09, 11:19
I've just started getting this over the last few days in both feet and lower legs. Its not in one place but moves about. Also I have noticed that it only occurs when I either have my feet up or I am in a sitting position.

I have poor circulation in my feet due to inactivity and the recent cold spell but have been more active lately and keeping the home warm. This has been stressing me out and is constantly on my mind. Until I found this thread today I was convinced this buzzing was a result of the circulation and I had a problem advancing there. Now I don't.

That is why this forum is so good. I feel I can accept this symptom now because so many other anxiety sufferers are experiencing it too. If I had googled my symptoms I'd no doubt instead be panicking.

All the best


15-02-09, 13:12
I was actually about to start a thread about this last night! I've noticed it for the last week or so, mostly at night, I'll be sitting on the couch or in bed watching TV, and my arms and torso just start trembling! Almost like when your phone's on vibrate (whoever said that hit the nail on the head!) At first I thought it was because I was sitting in cold rooms (central heating broke for a while) so thought I was just shivering due to the cold.

16-02-09, 15:24
I think in my own case the cold has alot to do with it too. This has only started happening with the cold snap and due to the cost of energy we have not had the heating on as often as we would like.


07-12-13, 00:50
I have been buzzing and vibrating for the best part of 18 months now...lol!

Whilst it is annoying, all it is a sign that you have crossed the anxiety threshold into physical anxiety and that your nervous system has been stressed and fatigued as a result.

Unsurprisingly, the quicker you actually stop interpreting these sensations as some lurking neurological nasty and just accept and live with the sensations for the duration the shorter your recovery will be. Stop interpreting and dumping anxiety on top of anxiety and recovery is inevitable.

Honestly, this buzzing/vibrating sensation is probably THE most common physical sensation physical anxiety effects our nervious system....annoying yes but 100% totally benign and harmless.

Well said!:yesyes:

07-12-13, 11:17
I had this the other night. My whole body was literally buzzing inside like I'd been plugged into the mains. It was very unpleasant.