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23-11-08, 12:30

is it normal to feel extremely insecure, low and have suicidal thoughts after a night out on the booze? When i wake up the next morning I feel down but not to that extreme and i wonder why I felt so awful. I know alcohol is a depressant but should it make you feel that bad?


23-11-08, 12:43
It can make you feel that bad. As you know alcohol is a depressant and people with anxiety and panic are more prone to the after effects of alcohol and drugs. Try sticking to one drink when you go out. I hope you feel better.

23-11-08, 13:36
Alcohol does lower you... If I am going out and having a few glasses of wine then I ensure the following day is a chilled one...

How are you doing Carl ? Are you still working in the middle of nowhere? Hope things are ok for you x

23-11-08, 14:29

yep Im still in the middle of nowhere lol. I want to leave but im afraid ill let my mate down because hes the boss and very short on staff as it is. Plus i wasn't happy at home either so im gonna be unhappy whatever i do in life i think lol. anyway thanks for asking how are you?


23-11-08, 15:27
When I am going through a particularly bad spell of anxiety I get like that with drink.. Friday night I was like that and I was down yesterday. When u feel like that on drink just tell yourself that it is the drink which is making you feel low and its not reality :)

23-11-08, 17:24
Alcohol is a depressant and can certainly effect your mood.

When i was younger, I always drank Vodka when out with my friends but although i would never cause bother, it did tend to make me feel more aggressive than normal.

I don't touch spirits at all any more, and tend to stick to mild lager.

You could possibly try changing what you normaly drink and if you still feel the same then i'd stick to soft drinks.

Take care


24-11-08, 08:49
Hi Carl - sorry you are still in the middle of nowhere but has it improved? found anything to do with the spare time you have?

Perhaps after the Xmas period you could have a rethink of what to do next?

I'm not bad thanks Carl. Keep us updated on how you are doing won't you ?

Diane O'Brien
24-11-08, 14:10
Hi Carl,

I,ve had some yucky times with alcohol and woke up feeling worse I don't drink at all now, its been hard but I just focus on the morning after knowing the yuck feelings. I know its not fair when going out just having soft drinks by its 100% worth it in the morning.

All the best xxxxxxx
It wont be for ever:yahoo:

24-11-08, 15:22
Hiya, hope you are ok today. I think its true that any drug can be a depressant - just cos you can buy it in Tescos doesnt make it any safer ! I think we all (well me ) self medicate which creates viscious circle ! We drink to feel happy but end up feeling p****d and more miserable than when we started! Sorry no words of wisdom but love thinking of you

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24-11-08, 15:32
I used to drink to make myself feel better and boost my confidence ,it doesnt work in the long run as it acts as a depressent,i suppose i was trying to fill a hole in my life with booze at the time ,but,i just thought it was stupid making myself feel ill and it changes nothing the nest day,i just gave up overnight.Not that i wouldnt have the odd glass socialy,not that i socialise at all nowadays,you start to live in the past the more you drink the maybes and the what if's,theres a lot of unhappy people in our society who just cant wait to get out of there trees on friday nights.

25-11-08, 01:40
I began drinking very heavily a few years back to calm my anxiety and it worked for a while but in the end it made me feel so low and the panic attacks were even worse than before I started drinking. It is normal for alcohol to make you feel down in the dumps.