17-06-05, 12:14

Hope you are all doing OK?

I just need some reassurance please. My hol to Spain is just over a week away and I still can't get excited about it. I am worried about the flight and also scared in case I get any missed beats on the aeroplane. what if I can't control them and it goes totally mad??? I really do want to be in Spain but am scared of getting there.

My anxiety over this heart thing has not really got any better, and as I've said on another post, I have now started taking the Propranalol that the doc prescribed me, 40mg a day. I am hoping that these will get rid of most of the missed/fluttering heartbeat sensations. I tried so hard to avoid medication, after trying every other type of alternative meds but have had to give in and go for the conventional sort, for my own sanity, if nothing else.

On Monday, I even tried Crystal Healing (Holistic Therapy). It had very weird results. Apparently all of my auras were ok (not blocked) but my problems had got inside and my Chakras were all blocked! Anyway, the Crystals said I needed 10mins to clear them, so my therapist left me to it, to try and relax and let the crystals work. I had strange thoughts pop into my head from nowhere, like voices talking to me, telling me I would be Ok and to enjoy my life and that everyone I had lost were OK. Then I started thinking about Cory(the baby boy we lost) and I started to cry and kept thinking 'my baby, its my baby' and then I told him, outloud that I loved him. Also, the top half of my body sort of went shivery and my breathing changed. When this had worn off I felt totally relaxed and calm. My therapist felt that the Crystals had unblocked what they needed to and we were both hoping that this might cure my missed beats, but I still had them after, which is why I tried the prop.

Anyway, as usual, I've gone on too long (sorry) and also moved away from my original question about the missed beats and the plane

Look forward to hearing your advice,
Lots of love,

17-06-05, 13:35
Hello.Hope you are feeling ok today?
Right first things first.The propanalol will almost definatly help with your ectopics and palpatations.I took betablokers when I first started having ectopics and missed beats(before I even knew it was panic and anxiety).They definatly helped with the 'heart symptoms'.Dont worry about taking medication either.Its there to help you through a bad period,so you feel more able to cope and get your confidence back.

I know exactly where you are coming from with your worries about flying too.I had exactly the same concerns when I went to Spain last month.I got round it by thinking positively and remembering all the things I know to be fact....'Ok I might feel bad ,but it CANT hurt me....it never has hurt me!...Its only a short flight and it will be worth it when I get there'.I also packed an emergancy kit with rescue remedy,lavender etc and took a really good book to distrtact myself(Marian Keyes...proper page turners and very funny).All this really helped me.I was absolutly fine.There and back.I didnt touch the emergancy pack!In reality the build up was far worse than the event.Perhaps it would help to print off all the good advice you have got in here regarding your missed beats too,so you can refer to them if you feel the need?Relaxation tapes and pratising your breathing will help too.Hope that helps a bit?

The crystal therapy sounds interesting.Sounds like it helped you to embrace your grief for Cory and let a lttle bit go.Your doing really well.Good luck and let us know how you get on.Feel free to mail me if you want to chat. xx

17-06-05, 15:56
hi Linda,

I'm sure that you will be fine once you get on the plane and the trip starts. That's normally when I get excited. Once you realise that you are on the plane and that you have done it, you will feel relief and excitement. Hope you have a great holiday!! Wish I were going to Spain..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

18-06-05, 06:27
Thanks Juliet and Sarah.

I just need to know I'll be ok on the aeroplane if I start to get the missed beats again.

I had a few more yesterday and I had taken my propranalol, but maybe they aren't as bad as they usually are???? Also, I am now pre-menstrual as well and they are usually much worse around this time, so maybe they have taken the edge of them, I don't know yet. I've also woken up with a headache today so have let myself get worked up about that and feel shaky. Also, for the last few days I have been struggling with that thing, where you thing you can't take a deep breath. I am breathing ok but keep feeling the need to breath in deeply and then sometimes you can't seem to get down into your lungs??? That is scaring me as well now. What a wreck eh!!!!

Silly really, because in general, things are fine. Its back to the problem that I am really struggling with health anxiety now when the rest of my life has got much better. I just don't know how I am ever going to overcome all of this.:(

I hope you don't think I'm being a nuisance, sometimes I feel like I keep going on and on and on and on about the same issues and I'm really sorry, but they are so scary for me.

18-06-05, 09:21
Hi Linda,
Don't apologise for raising the same issues - we are all guilty of it!
Lots of people on here worry about going on a plane (i'm the same - what if i panic, what if i get the breathing thing,etc). But try and think about it this way: what if you go on the plane and it's all absolutely fine? How amazing will that be?!?
Take an emergency kit with you (bachs rescue remedy, lavender etc) and plenty of things to distract you. Also, i'm sure that air stewards are all trained in basic first aid, so if you start to panic, they will be able to help you calm down your breathing.
I am sure it will all be fine, and just think - a whole week in Spain!
Henri x

18-06-05, 16:02

Have a lovely week. Having missed beats in Spain on on the plane will be similar to having them here.

**what if I can't control them and it goes totally mad???**

You can't control them anyway and it won't go totally mad. There are several inbuilt bodily cardiac safety featuires and ectopics do not run from the same circuit as a real dysrhythmia so cannot turn into one .

They will still pass and you will be fine.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

18-06-05, 16:07

Just wanted to wish you all the luck for the holiday and please try to forget about the missed beats. I am sure you will once you are sipping Sangria by the pool.

Have a safe journey and a fab trip.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

18-06-05, 17:18
Hey girlie, I'm exactly the same on planes (I flew for the first time last year) I ended up doing 6 flights in 2 weeks! Once you get on the plane you'll be fine, bring a good book or a walkman with some relaxation music on it, just sit and daydream about relaxing by the pool in the warm sunshine. I hope you have an excellent time, you deserve it. Good Luck, Rois[8D]

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

18-06-05, 20:05
Hi Linda

Hope you have a lovely holiday!


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

18-06-05, 20:20
Hi Linda, Ive pmd you as you might be aware. I will prob be in touch again before your holiday but if not make sure its a good one.Love Alexis,x

18-06-05, 21:33
Thanks for all the replies.
I will try to be calm for the flight and it IS ONLY TWO HOURS!!!
I'm still having that weird breathing thing happen to me, where I can't get enough air down every time I try to take a deep breath, and now thats scaring me!
My missed beats seem a bit better so I'm hoping the propranalol are working for me!!!! fingers crossed.

Meg, sorry to be a pain, but what is and how would i know what a 'real dyssyrythmia' is?

Henri, I'm going for two weeks, how good is that?? I'll be fine once I'm by the sea, I hope!
Speak to you all soon, I'll probably be on here a lot building up to the flight, we go on the 28th.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
Love, Linda.xxx

18-06-05, 22:54
Hi Linda,
I hope you have a lovely time in Spain, just try and imagine the lovely time you'll have once you're there. Try and visualise the flight going really well. I always think what if something happens, but as my Step Mum says to me, what if it doesn't happen and everything is fine.
I know how you feel with your breathing, I get that too if I'm worried about something. It sounds like you're hyperventilating, feels awful but nothing to be scared of.
I'll be thinking of you,
LJ x

20-06-05, 21:38
I've had a really good weekend, but its been spoilt by panic and missed beats. Everytime I tried to log onto the forum, it wasn't responding, I was nearly distraught!

Today, at work, I was just sitting quietly and all of a sudden I had a run of irregular beats and as usual, they terrified me. I phoned the heart helpline - again - and eventually left work early, I was too scared to stay on my own. I took another of my propranalols and eventually calmed down and have been fine every since but I am so fed up of these things scaring me.

sorry to keep going on.
Love, Linda.xxx

20-06-05, 22:01

Are you taking the propanolols regularly or just when you think you need one ?

You know , as soon as that particular run of irregular beats is finished then its history and tptally in the past. There is no cumulative effect either for the heart or for your health.

If you had a dysrhythmia, then it wouldn't pass and you would feel an irregularity continuously.

One day you need to rationalize and accept that as many runs as you have - you get over them all in seconds and they have never harmed you and all the indications and tests show that they never will either.

For all intents and purposes it's comparable in harmful terms as having a sneeze is to your breathing pattern - interupts it for a few seconds but doesn't upset the rhythm.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-06-05, 07:53
Thanks Meg,
Why can't I just accept them and get on with my life?:(

Anyway, yesterday was a really good day, think I might have only had one or two, that didn't bother me at all! Wish every day was like that!

I am taking the propranalols every morning, one 40mg tablet, but on Monday when I was feeling worse, I did take another one in the afternoon, but hopefully, that was just a one off. Will they work better if I take them regularly or are they just as good if I take them as and when I think I need them??

I'm surprised you haven't banned me from the forum by now LOL, for keep going on about them and not being able to accept them!!

Take care, only five days till the holiday!!!

22-06-05, 08:17
Hiya Linda

I hope that you have a really wonderful relaxing holiday, I am soooo jelous, got another five weeks before we go again [V]

Don't forget to report back when you return, speak soon


22-06-05, 08:47

Either take them as needed 1 a day or regularly but don't take extras as more than the prescribed dose can lead to problems

You posts as much as you want to.... we're here to support for as long as you need it


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-06-05, 21:15
Hi Linda

Ive just read your post and understand how you are feeling, Ive just returned from 2 weeks in Greece. The lead up to it was awful I was panicking myself something awful, In the end you realise it was all for nothing, think of that beautiful calm sea and warm sun on your back you will feel amazing, I nearly jumped out the emergency exit before we took off LOL but like Henri said I thought to myself the air stewards are all trained in first aid and are so helpful!. Have an amazing time BON VOYAGE!!X X X

22-06-05, 22:24
Hi Let us know how you are doing, I think if people got sick of you posting the site would not be here. We are all here to help and as we say over and over its good to talk and know you are not alone, take care love Alexis,x

24-06-05, 06:36
Hi Everyone,
I'm MEGA busy now, still not started packing, shop not ready to leave yet, house upside down - just had new kitchen!!!!!!!

Oh well, guess what? Hardly any missed beats!!!!!! How strange are those things?????????????/
Hopefully propranalol is working now. Meg, I only took a total of two on Monday, you can take 2-3 40mg tabs for anxiety, I would be much too scared to take more than I'm allowed!!

Anyway, up to now, feel ok just be glad when the flights over with, but we've got sooooo much to do, before we're ready. Work today then out with friends tonight, work tomorrow then nieces birthday party, work Sunday then mom in law coming for dinner, then Monday is the day before we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will hopefully speak to you b4 I go.
Take care,
Love Linda.xxx
(PS sos if not replied to any other posts but I'm thinking of you all, and if you e-mail me, I will try to reply)

25-06-05, 16:53

Have a lovely relaxing weekend and then face the flight when it comes ok?

You will be fine and we will all be thinking of you.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

25-06-05, 17:15
Hi Linda, you havent got time to worry, lol, just to say enjoy your holiday, you know where I am if you need me before, take care, be good and RELAX, love Alexis,x

25-06-05, 18:16
Have a great time


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

25-06-05, 18:45
Have a lovely holiday, and let us know how wonderful it was when you get back, 'cos we won't be at all jealous!!!

25-06-05, 20:14
Hope you have a lovely holiday.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

25-06-05, 20:17
Hi Just want to 2nd what Carlin said We wont be at all jealous........phh not much, lol, good luck and speak soon, Love Alexis,

26-06-05, 11:52
Hi Linda!
Hope you have a fab holiday honey! Don't worry about having your funny beats. You've had them before and you've been ok! You're still here to tell the tale! You'll be absolutely fine I'm sure of it!
Hope you have a really relaxing time, sounds like it'll do you the world of good.
I'm not at all jealous of you swanning off to Spain!;)yeah right! Take me in your suitcase! lol
Have fun, enjoy the sea and sunshine, but above all relax! Just chill on the beach! You deserve it.

Speak to you soon.

26-06-05, 21:53
Hi Linda,

I was the same b4 i went away ive been back a week and i feel like i have never been away, i was so worked up b4 i went and all for nothing the flight was fine and the holiday great

hope you have a lovely time relax and enjoy it

Take care xxx

kairen x

26-06-05, 23:38
Hope you have a great time and sorry for taking so long to catch up with this post.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-06-05, 08:15
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all the replies, I haven't had time to get on here all weekend, mega busy now we've got a 'proper life' back!!!LOL

I am absolutely terrified, I have to admit and by this time tomorrow, we should be on the plane!!!! Less than another two hours and we'll be there, in the Spanish sunshine.....sea all around....the pool.....no work....relaxing.....having fun....OH SOS AM I GLOATING LOL!!!!

Seriously, I really appreciate everyones kind wishes. I am taking a relaxation CD on the plane with me and will just try to concentrate on that and nothing else. Told hubby he will have to sort the kids!!

SHELLEY, Hello, lovely to hear from you, where have you been and how are you doing. Would love to catch up when i get back.

SAL, Thought you weren't my friend anymore..lol..I even texted you! Hope you enjoyed your hol and I'll speak to you soon.

ALEXIS Take care and look after yourself, speak to you when I get back.

I've got to get on now, going to town for last minute bits (when everyone else gets up LOL) then we'll be more or less sorted. I've done everything I can at work so I'll just have to leave them to it and hope they've earned me some money for when I get back! Got the house back to normal so I'm off to enjoy the rest of today and get scared for tomorrow!!!!LOL

Quick mentions about the dreaded missed beats - they are now very few and far between!

Take care everyone and thanks again, speak to you in just over two weeks, when I'll be all tanned!!!!

Lots of love,

27-06-05, 23:46
Have a cracking time, I'm jealous, wish I was going to liein the sun[8D]

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"