View Full Version : awful heavy feeling/butterflies when waking

Natural Mystic
23-11-08, 18:11
Does anyone else have this? Even if I get some sleep I always wake up feeling really anxious, with excess butterflies.

Because of this I can never just lie in bed and relax, I have to get up and do something. The feeling then goes

23-11-08, 18:40
Hello Mystic, yes, nearly every morning when I wake I feel anxious and have the butterfly sensation, and after about 5 minutes it goes, I read somewhere that some of it is due to the cortisol and blood sugar levels, and of course when we are stressed we use up the sugar faster than normal. One person suggested putting a light snack, or cereal bar at the side of the bed and to eat it when you wake, but I can't look at food first thing in the morning.
I find that getting out of bed and pottering to the bathroom usually dispels it.

Natural Mystic
23-11-08, 18:53
I've suffered with extreme anxiety since January, mostly due to my worries about my son (realising this for sure at my first counselling session last week). I've always been a strong person whose glass is half full (though trust me like everyone I've had my hells and downs, I'm just usually good at pulling myself back up) and I have to say that I am proud of how I am dealing with it. I have accepted that it is anxiety and not a pysical illness (I'm not dying lol) and feel that this is the start to recovery. I'm dealing with the "panics" much better by riding them and not fighting them.

Still I'm not out of the woods (and my symptoms have changed).

I hate this anxiety I really do, it's totally debilitating at times and it makes me feel so so inadequate as a mum. I'm a single mum of one child and I constantly worry that I'm not enough for him, that he'd be better off with a mum, dad and a family (my logical mind knows that he's better off with no-one other than me).

I so want him to have a happy childhood memory and not to say he was a lonely child .... it really brings me to tears this worry.

henywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy rant over I guess


Natural Mystic
23-11-08, 18:55
To summarise, although I know I am a good mum and role model, I don't feel that I am enough for him.

Id do anything for him to have a dad that cares, anything. Sadly it hasn't/ain't happening, through my years of trying and his years of promises that come to nothing (for my son not for me)

Diane O'Brien
23-11-08, 19:26
Hi Mystic

Its the hardest job in the world being a parent. Dont put yourself down.

Be kind to yourself and enjoy your son, your only human.

All the best

From Diane xxx Dont be sad for other peoples actions hun.

Natural Mystic
23-11-08, 19:39
I kinda went off on a tangent there Diane lol @ self

The ironic thing is that most people wouldn't believe that I had doubts like I've just explained. I guess I've had them since being a mum but they've esculated since the anxiety.

Thanks for your kind words though, it's something I'd have said were I replying to another saying the same thing.


23-11-08, 19:54
Does anyone else have this? Even if I get some sleep I always wake up feeling really anxious, with excess butterflies.

I too find my anxiety can often be there on waking. I agree with the others that it is probably encouraged by low blood sugar. Blood sugar problems are often a trigger for anxiety - even in people who ONLY have the blood sugar problem. Its worth asking for a blood test preferably including glucose tolerance and stuff like that to see if you have another issue making things worse for you. I had the tests and they were OK but I still know I have more sugar sensitivity than I ever used to.

If you are on meds some of those can heighten your sensitivity to blood sugar swings. Mine mentions it in the leaflet - try and read yours if you have any. I have taken to having a snack before I sleep (or doze), even if I balance it out by eating less calories at meal times. That way you shouldn't get so low before you wake up. After all many of us eat dinner by 7.30pm and have breakfast around 7.30am. That's a long time especially if you are sensitive to levels. I tend to agree that by the time you are awake with anxiety it can be too late to eat easily. I can vouch for "Rich Tea" biscuits as being a good help (eaten in moderation!) or a warm drink; both ease short term or waking anxiety for me.

Hope that helps.