View Full Version : I Know I Can't Keep Running Away from Anxiety.....BUT

23-11-08, 19:02
....I still am!

Please can anyone advise me on something. I have been suffering with anxiety for 6 years. I am now on Flouxetine and take diazipan (2mg) when needed but I seem to bring all the anxiety on myself.

I know I am doing it and I can't seem to stop thinking or should I say fearing anxiety. I hate the way it makes me feel (sick, constant runs to the loo, like I'm going to pass out etc etc) and because I dont want to feel it it happens!

I am due to fly out to Oz on Xmas Day and I am really worrying myself about WHAT IF I get anxiety, I cant turn the plane around and come home, how will I cope? I know I need to stop these thoughts but really think they are getting the better of me!?

Can anyone suggest anything?


Nic x

24-11-08, 13:34
hey Nic

I'm not qualified at all and don't know if I'm even suffering constant anxiety like you. But I'm thinking have you tried to find something else to focus your thoughts on? I'm currently anxious about a situation at work but am focussing on making plans to go away for a weekend and thinking about what I'm buying my family for christmas. I also joined a health spa and find it is lovely to have a nice hot sauna at the end of the day. I swim too and find light exercise as an excellent anxiety buster. I chose not to take medication.

Plan all the nice things you can do in oz, focus on the people you will visit or take with you

Good luck with things

24-11-08, 13:41
Hi Nic,

Medication has its place and if it helps in these situations then great but ultimately to overcome this fear we need understanding. With understanding we can then start to find a way to tackle the anxiety from within and that is something medication cannot give us in the long term. Only from being able to cope ourselves can we do this. Unfortunately that is not something you can rush and not something that you can achieve before christmas.

If you haven't read any of the Dr Weekes books then I would recommend them. It may be of use to have some kind of book to refer to when you take your journey. From having panic attacks at home I have found having such material at hand is of great relief when panic occurs because usually the mind goes blank and you cannot be rational but with the rational in black and white in front of you it is easier to cope.

Even if you have a notebook and jot down so relevant points of comfort that you can refer to on a journey it will help enormously. I did this earlier in the year when I was trying to drive again and did succeed for a while. When the anxiety got too great I stopped the car, got the notebook out and read until my state calmed again. Things like:

These symptoms are uncomfortable but harmless.
These sensations cannot last indefinitely and will pass in 10-20 minutes.
My breathing is shallow but I am still getting enough breath.
Time is passing and this will soon all be over.
Every time this happens I come out of the other end in one piece.

Just a few words of rational reassurance can unblock the mind and pacify the fear when it comes.

All the best


24-11-08, 14:49
Thank you so much Emily2008 & Nechtan.

I have found a really good book author so I have stocked up on those for the flight (bought 8 books in total!!!!). I have also been told to do some word searches etc as a way of distracting my mind.

I am usually so strong and have flown so many times but it is trying to stay postive and not let the negative thoughts take over!

Thanks for the advice on the gym......I have been slacking in that dept so will get back in the swing with there only being 4 weeks left.

Thanks once again

Nic x