View Full Version : ectopic beats

23-11-08, 19:14

for people who suffer ectopic beats. Do you constantly feel on edge. For example if you sit down to fast do you get a ectopic beat. Or when walking. Im sitting here feeling sick my heart feels on edge. like any false movement it will start.

Please reply feeling so panicking

anx mum
23-11-08, 19:32

for people who suffer ectopic beats. Do you constantly feel on edge. For example if you sit down to fast do you get a ectopic beat. Or when walking. Im sitting here feeling sick my heart feels on edge. like any false movement it will start.

Please reply feeling so panicking

Hiya its Bev i get that especially with movement its horrible has it been bad today?

23-11-08, 19:34
yeah feeling terrible :weep: keep thinking about my heart and it keeps going weird. Dont no if me worrying and constantly thinking about it is making it worse.

How are you today? x

anx mum
23-11-08, 19:37
Did u get my pm? Not v good been hard going today had both boys at home and breathing been bad v tearful. When did it start today?

23-11-08, 19:41
Sorry yeah got pm. was going to reply when I calmed down abit. It started this morning when I was walking to my parents my heart felt like it did 3 beats to fast then the other 2 beats where strange. :weep: The thing is when I got there I felt fine all day. As soon as I got in the taxi it started again and im finding it really hard. even tho I went doctors last week he said every thing was fine. Im still keep finding my self saaying 'what if'

:hugs: sorry your having a bad day. must be awful is your partner with you today?

anx mum
23-11-08, 19:46
yeah my partner here today thankgod. Have u got anyone there to support u? Its horrible i know how u feel. When i go to docs always come away not believeing them.

23-11-08, 20:35
Yep i feel mega on edge, only really notice my palpa on resting and watching TV. xx

23-11-08, 21:24
Hi, reading about ectopic beats. Mine so bad at moment. Only in evening and after meal. Don't understand. Just feel my heart is going mad and is about to stop. Had this problem for so long and feel nobody understands. Doctor says its anxiety but I'm so fed up I can't take it anymore.


House fan
23-11-08, 22:19
Ectopic beats are very, very annoying, make no mistake about that. They are also extremely frightening, especially when we get sensitized to them, and we are aware of our heart's every beat. However..... Ectopic beats are also harmless, they will not cause your heart to stop, and they will certainly not cause a heart attack. They are annoying, but will not harm your heart in any way!

Ectopic heart beats are actually normal, most people have them at some time in their lives, but for those of us who are of an anxious nature, we run the risk of allowing these sensations to affect our lives in a huge way, when in fact, there is absolutely nothing wrong with our heart.

When an anxious person feels an eptopic heart beat, he/she is so frightened by the sensation, they think they are about to die. This, of course never happens, but the experience was so terrifying to the individual, they are now constantly aware of every heart beat, which by now seems to be beating more prominently than ever before. It's not of course, the individual has simply become sensitized to it's every beat, and the fear of this 'terrible' thing happening again creates constant fear within the individual. Adrenalin is now being released into the already exhausted body, which just makes the symptoms worse, and the individual is now beside themselves with worry, convinced that the next attack will surely kill them. And the cycle goes on... fear-adrenalin-fear, symptoms after symptoms after symptoms.

I hope I can reassure you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with your strong, healthy heart. A heart which has never, ever let you down before! A heart which has never decided to stop for any reason. It is a brilliant heart, and although you may think it has missed beats in the past, I can assure you that it has not! The spacing out of the beats may have been adjusted a few times, but that's it, your heart has not missed a single beat, imagine that!

Please don't let eptopic beats affect your lives too much, they are normal, the heart always corrects it's rhythm, with absolutely no input or help from us whatsoever. I hope this reassures you a wee bit.


23-11-08, 22:29
yeah feeling terrible :weep: keep thinking about my heart and it keeps going weird. Dont no if me worrying and constantly thinking about it is making it worse.

How are you today? x
Hi Leann

The only way you can feel your heart is when you have a palpitation...the most common cause for it??... anxiety and panic attacks...there are other causes for palpitation... if you are young and otherwise healthy it is rare to ahve heart disease unless you've congenital heart defects... and a very very strong family history of arrhythmia or heart disease...

What I would suggest is if this happened for the first time - see your GP...
If you have seen your GP ...all the tests are normal then it is more likely to be psychogenic....i.e there could be a psychological cause to the way you feel.. it might be how you perceive your heart beats...


23-11-08, 22:37
Ectopic beats are very, very annoying, make no mistake about that. They are also extremely frightening, especially when we get sensitized to them, and we are aware of our heart's every beat. However..... Ectopic beats are also harmless, they will not cause your heart to stop, and they will certainly not cause a heart attack. They are annoying, but will not harm your heart in any way!

Ectopic heart beats are actually normal, most people have them at some time in their lives, but for those of us who are of an anxious nature, we run the risk of allowing these sensations to affect our lives in a huge way, when in fact, there is absolutely nothing wrong with our heart.

When an anxious person feels an eptopic heart beat, he/she is so frightened by the sensation, they think they are about to die. This, of course never happens, but the experience was so terrifying to the individual, they are now constantly aware of every heart beat, which by now seems to be beating more prominently than ever before. It's not of course, the individual has simply become sensitized to it's every beat, and the fear of this 'terrible' thing happening again creates constant fear within the individual. Adrenalin is now being released into the already exhausted body, which just makes the symptoms worse, and the individual is now beside themselves with worry, convinced that the next attack will surely kill them. And the cycle goes on... fear-adrenalin-fear, symptoms after symptoms after symptoms.

I hope I can reassure you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with your strong, healthy heart. A heart which has never, ever let you down before! A heart which has never decided to stop for any reason. It is a brilliant heart, and although you may think it has missed beats in the past, I can assure you that it has not! The spacing out of the beats may have been adjusted a few times, but that's it, your heart has not missed a single beat, imagine that!

Please don't let eptopic beats affect your lives too much, they are normal, the heart always corrects it's rhythm, with absolutely no input or help from us whatsoever. I hope this reassures you a wee bit.


Well said house fan.... I do not know your age or what your medical problems are (if any) or what meds you may be on.

It is common to feel your heart beat when laying on your left side. One may have some extra beats and feel the normal beat after the extra beat when the heart beats very forcefully. Stress/anxiety/ red bull/ caffeine/nicotine/lack of sleep/alcohol/other stimulants can all cause extra beats to occur including many other underlying heart conditions.

so if you are very concerned go to your GP...

Cathy V
23-11-08, 22:54
There is also a proven link between the digestive system and these ectopics. There is a nerve called the Vagus nerve and its the biggest nerve in our body. It startes at the base of the brain and meanders around the body, finnishing in the groin area. It also feeds part of the heart, as well as the stomach. People can suffer with ectopic beats or flutters etc without suffering with anxiety, although they are also a result of anxiety for alot of people too. Sometimes the ectopics come along first, then the fear of them can cause the anxiety.

Its very common to feel these wonky beats after eating a meal, especially if its a fairly big meal. Feeling full or bloated can stimulate/irritate the vagus nerve, which in turn can stimulate/irritate the heart, the result being ectopics.

Cathy xxx