View Full Version : A question about Lymphoma

23-11-08, 20:08
Here I am again,

Now I dont want to google as this is one thing I have got over. Although, with a fight. BUT..... could anyone tell me, would 1 single raised gland be Lymphoma and would it go up and down?

I know Im a pain over this gland, but its stuck in my head. ( The fear of it in my head that is, not the gland stuck in my head lol...)

23-11-08, 20:32
Hun if you had lymphoma you would loose weight, have no energy you name it....
A raise gland would suggest an infection such as a viral infection or maybe glandular fever. Go to your GP & get it checked for reassurance.
Have loads of fluids & paracetamol & ibuprofen & rest xx

23-11-08, 20:36
The gland would be huge - you'd have no energy and more than likely a temperature - if you're worried get it checked out - but I was convinced I had lymphoma about 5 weeks ago - and the gland that worried me, its still up - but ive had 2 blood tests and many doctors visits - there's nothing wrong. :)

23-11-08, 20:58
Hi Emma
I have been reading your posts and i just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in your fear.
I have what i believe is a raised gland above my right clavicle. If you click on all my posts you will see what i have written about it over the past few months.
I first noticed it last October----13 months ago!!! I went to see the doctor in the December and he referred me for an X ray and blood tests. He couldnt feel anything---nor could his colleague(as i asked to have it checked by someone else too----blasted HA!!!!).
All the results came back ok after i had convinced myself i had lymphoma. I then started googling on it(yes crazy i know) and decided i could feel something in my groin, armpit etc. Also started feeling sweaty in bed and decided i had night sweats. Armed with all this info i went back to another doctor at the same practice and asked him to check me out. This was April of this year. He told me that i was fine---he too could feel nothing!!I was then referred for CBT for Health Anxiety. I am half way through this now and it is definately helping . I still have bad days and i can, if i try hard enough, still feel "something" above my right clavicle. It isnt there if i am sitting up straight but if i move it appears. It is soft---very soft and maybe it is just my body!!!! I am now more convinced that if i had lymphoma nearly 14 months on i would be feeling quite unwell. I therefore am making myself believe the doctors. I feel i am going to be ok and I am sure you too are fine.
Please feel free to mail me(might not be on any more today but will be back on in the morning!).
Take care---I am sure you are just fine xxx

23-11-08, 21:01
The gland would be massive, painless and wouldn't come and go.

23-11-08, 21:10
Thanks all, i still keep feeling it. I have seen to docs, who both said lymph node and didnt say go back. Regarding losing weight ( i wish ) lol......
I dont feel ill, apart from normal old anxiety.

Jellybean I will PM you tomorrow probably, but I think I should trust the doctors and for get its there. I did have a blood test about 5 months ago. All was fine then.

24-11-08, 18:59
i have two lymph nodes that are permantently enlarged. i noticed them about a year and a half ago and it sent me into a blind panic. actually, here's the whole story... i was getting packed for a trip and was in a terrific mood. i had had bouts of HA before, mainly concerns about my heart, but they seemed to fade away and i was doing well. so i'm getting ready for this trip and i noticed a pimple on the back of my neck near my hairline. no biggie. i decided to put some medicine on it and as i was doing so, i discovered a tiny little lump kinda behind my earlobe. well, i completely freaked out. i was convinced it was somehthing awful. so i go on the trip and am consumed by this tiny bump and can't stop poking it and i'm becoming more and more upset. so then i make the mistake of googling it and, of course, everything links to lymphoma. well, in the course of the trip i learn that a fella i went to school with was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. that freaks me out even more and start to do a whole body lump check. it was then that i discovered two enlarged lymph nodes in my groin. for all i know, they have been there all my life as i had never checked that area before. well, i return from my trip and decide to see my doctor. he checks the lump behind my ear... nothing, it's fine. he checks the nodes in my groin... nothing, don't worry about it. i felt better for about 10 minutes. i leave still completely convinced i'm dying. i return to the same doctor a couple weeks later and he checks again. (i'd been to this guy about my heart concerns, too, so he knew i was pretty anxious about my health.) anyway, he feels the nodes in my groin again and tells me they are fine and to leave them alone; however, he decides to do a blood test, just to prove to me there is nothing wrong. he sends me on to a local lab where they do blood work. everything comes back normal. i continued to freak out for months, convinced the blood test had missed something and by the time we find out what's wrong it'll be too late. over time, the fear has faded away, but the nodes are still there. they haven't changed. they are the same size and i'm assuming they will just always be there. i have come to the realization now that if something was really wrong, those nodes would have changed and, after almost two years, i'd be sick. i rarely get anything worse than a cold. and the same goes for you... if something was wrong, you would know it. try to trust the doctor and the blood test and enjoy your life. i know it's easier said than done... sorry about the long post. wanted to share my story with anyone going through a similar experience.

24-11-08, 22:24
Thank you all of you for your replies.

Scared silly, thank you very much, I will re read this post when I feel anxious.

25-11-08, 14:29
glad i could help!!!! :flowers:

27-02-15, 05:50
Hun if you had lymphoma you would loose weight, have no energy you name it....
A raise gland would suggest an infection such as a viral infection or maybe glandular fever. Go to your GP & get it checked for reassurance.
Have loads of fluids & paracetamol & ibuprofen & rest xx

Not necessarily. Apparently I've had lymphoma for at least 8 years, long enough to get to stage 4, and I'm the same weight I have normally been and tons of energy. You have no clue what you're talking about. People lose weight and energy when GETTING CHEMO! NOT from cancer. And even then it's a maybe. I still work full time and go to school full time, bought my first house, painted all the walls, haven't been sick once through all the treatment, and I'm still the same consistent weight I've been since 10 years ago.

28-02-15, 17:21
My kids dad died of lymphoma.

What you describe sounds nothing like it :)