View Full Version : headache :(

23-11-08, 21:40
Hi all,
Was wondering if anyone could help me, i have had a headache for the last 3-4 days, its not a terrible pain but a constant ache just above my forehead, its there not long after i wake up and tablets are not working, I always think the worst and this is really getting to me, its all i can think about as i never ever get headaches, im so worried its someting serious, it just wont go away
I have a 10 month old baby and its really hard feeling like this and trying to be on top form,
linzi xx

23-11-08, 21:42
I had exactly the same sort of headache a couple of weeks ago that just did not go away...but eventually it went and now it's fine. I think it was just a virus and I am sure thats the same for you.:)

23-11-08, 21:44
thanks, i hope so, x

23-11-08, 22:06
i have just googled this and its making me panic, it wont let up, im so stressed i have a tumour or something im sitting here in tears, im so tired but scared to go to bed cos i will just think awful thoughts, anyone know what will help me :(

23-11-08, 23:01
Honey don't panic, headaches are the most common complaint of the average person. The headache you are describing are the classic tension/migraine headache.
You need to drink plenty of water and get some rest and get of the computer which will only increase the pain further.

I don't know what you have taken for it but a combination of ibuprofen, codeine & paracetamol are very good for tension headaches.

I used to get them &they lasted weeks sometimes as i stressed about them so much. Honey its not life threatening just more pain & an annoyance xx

24-11-08, 11:26
thanks nicola, last night i went to bed at 10.30, never done that for months, i didnt read or anything just went to sleep, ive woke up today and its not so bad, ive took some headex and im going to get some fresh air with my lil girl, im going to treat it the way i treated my panic attacks and sod it lol
thanks xx

24-11-08, 12:20
Hey there
sounds like a sinus headache they come when u wake up in the morning coz u have been lying down and painkillers dont shift it
