View Full Version : other knock on effectx of panic attacks/anxiety...

23-11-08, 23:15
hey guys,

wasnt really sure where to post this message but here goes. Ive been sufferring with anxiety quite severly for the last couple of months and although I have got much better at coping with it im finding its haveing a real knock on affect with other aspects of my life. while I have been trying my best to live life as normal as possible for the last few weeks Ive been feeling like Ive really lost myself and who I am, I have a boyfriend whose amazing but its become difficult to sustain our relationship and im anxious when im around him. Has anyone else experienced these feelings that theyve lost themselves somewhere along the line.... Help i think im crazy lol and i dont want to hurt everyone I know because of this.

Hope everyones having a good evening.
kisses xxxx

24-11-08, 19:31
I can certainly relate to the part where you say its a bit difficult to be around your partner - yes. I find i need to be alone if im feeling anxious and on edge and it makes me self concious when hes around me so i cant calm down as quickly.
Hope you feeling better now.

25-11-08, 07:29
sometimes my husband being here helps me feel calmer other times it makes me feel worse - it really depends on how exactly i am feeling.the anxiety has affected me most in little ways - for example I no longer take a walk to town on my own, which sounds silly but it restricts me alot with what i do. even the corner shop is hard for me and I very rarely go. Also taking my daughter to nursery used to be fine because i enjoyed spending the time alone with my youngest - now i dread just the small walk down the road!#


25-11-08, 09:18
I can totally relate as well!
I've been with my bf 3 years now...but sometimes im really anxious...i suppose im worried about making a fool of myself or something! Also i think i worry more because i keep thinking that im driving him away or something!
I hate it...i just want to be normal again!! xxxx

25-11-08, 23:11
Thanks guys,

Its tough I do feel as if im trying to push him away but don want to and the more i feel that way the more i start to analyse.... one vicous circle. Im so glad that ive found this site and you guys finally am not alone in these feelings.
