View Full Version : worried!

24-11-08, 08:48
This morning I blew my nose and blood was coming out like dryed blood... also my head feels tight and tense im worried it maybe a brain tumor does this sound like a symptom for it ?


24-11-08, 09:04
Heya i have had this for the past 3 months every morning i blow my nose and the tissue is filled with dried bloody clots (ewww) i went to the doc and he said it was nose infection and prescribed cream this didnt work either. I have since been researching and i think its mainly to do with the heating and the cold weather, cold weather can make the vessels in your nose fragile and break even through blowing or picking. I would pop down to your doc just for your peace of mind but i would say its nothing, I also would try not blowing it as this really helps easier said than done i know :)


24-11-08, 09:31
This doesn't sound like a brain tumour,it sounds more like congested sinuses and a overstuffed nose!!
My husband has suffered from terrible sinusistis for as long as I can remember and he gets terrible symptoms like this,blood in his hankie,mucus,pain in his forehead,under his eyes etc.I think you may need some form of decongestant,so maybe a visit to the doc is in order,but I really don't think it's a brain tumour,the symptoms would be much worse I think.

23-03-09, 12:23
Just a thought: I have had the same symptoms of blood in mucus (and still have) and it began during the cold winter-weather and while I was learning to do nasal breathing instead of mouthbreathing... wether it has anything to do with it, I don't know :)

Another thought: If the blood is only in the mucus, and it isn't pouring out, think about how small amount of blood there really is... it can't be much more than a small drop. It just looks pretty dramatic - at least for me it does :D.