View Full Version : Ovarian cancer??

Sal x
24-11-08, 09:17
Hello everyone....

Need some advice from the ladies pls (sorry men)

I am 30, and ever since I can remember, i have had very regular periods, always 4-5 days long and 28 days apart without fail.

Well............this month I have been on my for 7 days and still no sign of the blood stopping. I have convinced myself that I have got cancer of the womb etc and all the other cancers that go with health anxiety.

I know that a lo of people have irregular periods of different time spans but I have NEVER gone over 5 days in my 16 years of having periods.

I know that i am def no pregnant. does any one have any advice?

I know that stress can cause this but the amount of stress i have have over the last 5 years, and its never happend efore makes me more worried.

I have just started taking fluexotine again last month after a 6 month break and wondered if that can mess up your hormones??

please help


24-11-08, 11:22
Hi Sal,

Well, you could have been me writing that message! Like you, until January last year I had periods that you could practically set your watch by. They were regular, consistently the same length, not too heavy, not too painful.

That all changed last January when I had a period that didn't stop. It was about Day 2 heaviness for almost two weeks. The GP gave me progesterone to stop it, which it did; the next period was heavy but alright and I thought that was that. Sadly I never got back into a regular routine - they either didn't stop, or didn't properly get going, or were so heavy I feared leaving the house. After almost a year of this I had enough and am now on the Pill to control them...which works but of course has its own problems :wacko:

I hope there will come a day when I can come off the Pill but I haven't felt emotionally strong enough to cope with the erratic periods that might start up again.

However, I did have a number of investigations including an ultrasound scan of my uterus and ovaries, and no problems were found so it was put down to a hormonal imbalance. Possibly stress-related, but I also have thyroid problems so it could be an effect of that.

I seem to remember that 'dysfunctional uterine bleeding', as they call it, usually had no obvious cause and was just 'one of those things'. I really hope your problem period is just a blip and that they settle again...but if not then there will be plenty of things to try that should help.

Good luck, and feel free to pm me if you want to chat or rant or anything else! :D

Anna. x

24-11-08, 11:24
PS...sorry, I forgot to mention something!

A friend of mine took fluoxetine for a few years and did find that it affected her bleeding. She had spotting quite often. When she stopped taking it, her periods went back to normal. So, it could well be the fluoxetine that is (hopefully temporarily) messing things up!