View Full Version : New To The Forum

24-11-08, 09:22

My name is Edward and I am 28. I am from Ireland and have been suffering panic attacks for the last ten years. I've always been quite a shy and anxious person and am terrified of how people may judge me. These feelings eventually led me to begin drinking heavily after I began suffering severe panic attacks and thinking that I was going to drop dead on the spot. I always seem to worry all the time about everything and this leads me to have a full blown attack. The worst attack I ever suffered was when I began getting numbing sensations in my fingers that led me to lose all feeling in them before they curled up. I then began sweating and shaking and felt like I had no energy left and was about to pass out. My vision went blurry on me and my heart was pumping. It got to the point where I became hysterical and ended up curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor just begging to die so it could be over. This came and went for hours on end and eventually my Mother called a Doctor and he sedated me because he became worried about my metal state at that moment in time. I've had attacks before and after that one and still get them to this day, but I thankfully haven't suffered such a horrific one like that day.

I'm glad I found this forum and just reading the other threads is a relief to be because I know I am not alone in this. I hope to get to know other sufferers and hopefully make some friends along the way. Talk soon,


24-11-08, 09:27
Hi Edward,

Welcome here :flowers: . You're sure to find some good help and support on Site.

These attacks are very scary, I know where you're coming from, I too have suffered with this for years and it's a horrible thing to have to live with.

Wishing you well xx

24-11-08, 09:33
Hiya Katie. Thanks for the welcome. I know it is a horrible thing to live. When the attacks come out of the blue it is even more scary because you just aren't expecting it. How are your attacks these days? Do you get bad ones too?

24-11-08, 10:56
Hi Edward

Welcome along to NMP :smile:

I'm sure you will get lots of support and advice here.


24-11-08, 11:16
hi edward and welcome from another panicker!

24-11-08, 12:06
You will find help and support here
I can relate to most of your story so you are not alone

Be kind to yourself and just try and relax.................

EASY to say but very hard to do


24-11-08, 14:58
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

24-11-08, 21:34
Thanks guys,

It's great to actually find a forum with other sufferers. I've been terribly anxious the last two days again so I just typed in "Panic Attack" into Google and came across the place and registered right away. It just feels like their is something trapped in my throat and it's giving me tingling sensations in my face and hands because of course I am thinking I am going to choke. I haven't been able to eat today at all. My stomach is in bits, I'm tired and I can't switch off and sleep. My eyes feel dry and itchy and I'm just in no mood for anything. Hopefully this will pass soon. I know I need to go with these feelings and allow my body to calm down again, but it is easier said than done :)

26-11-08, 22:57
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x