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View Full Version : Cold in lower back/lumbar area!

24-11-08, 12:12
(Male 27)

I get this cold area at my lower back just above where my bottom crack starts, like cold feeling sensation just in that one small area, comes and goes had it a couple of days now more so in morning. Although well covered it feels cold when rest of me doesnt!

Is this a sign of something?



25-11-08, 20:22

Not that I know of but if it continues I would seek medical advice just to make sure you are okay. Mine goes numb from time to time and I guess that could be a cold feeling in a way. Hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


25-11-08, 21:14
Thanks for your reply Laura, its gone now but im sure be be back its like a chill in base of spine i guess and i only get it in winter!
I think i worry to much thinking its like bone cancer or something!
Been to docs about other things see other thread wasnt time to mention this but will next time!
I ride a motorcycle to and its been pretty cold here lately near freezing so that dont help!



25-11-08, 21:28
I've had this sometimes but not for a long time now and I suffer with back problems ever since I was bucked from my horse and fell flat on my back over 20 years ago. I remember bending over the bath to bath my daughter and getting this really ice cold feeling in my lower back and then it sort of goes numbish - I can't remember exactly now cos it hasn't happened for a bit but I think it's something to do with having a bad back more than cancer.:hugs:

26-11-08, 07:39
I've had this sometimes but not for a long time now and I suffer with back problems ever since I was bucked from my horse and fell flat on my back over 20 years ago. I remember bending over the bath to bath my daughter and getting this really ice cold feeling in my lower back and then it sort of goes numbish - I can't remember exactly now cos it hasn't happened for a bit but I think it's something to do with having a bad back more than cancer.:hugs:

Hi, I havent injured my back as far as i know, i ride a motorcycle which i guess does jar your bones when going over bumps etc! so may be that its back again today lying on back in bed feels cold and achy at base of spine wierd feeling when its very warm in bed!!



26-11-08, 17:15
Lee it's common to get patches of cold or really hot spots in your body if you have health anxiety or anxiety.

27-11-08, 09:08
Lee it's common to get patches of cold or really hot spots in your body if you have health anxiety or anxiety.

I hope it is that! today after hot shower still feels cool at base of back and top of buttocks actually feel cold to touch while rest is warm!
Theres no pain in back or anything more of an awareness its cold like achy almost at base of back!
Think i will go to docs next week to get it checke for sure!



27-11-08, 21:24
Even more worried now that it may be testicular cancer! as lower back pain is a sympton and i have only one testes after having one removed because it never descended far enough, i read lower back pain is because its spread to lymph nodes in ath abdomen!
Think i need to get this checked asap!

