View Full Version : Otitis Externa... Ear infections?

24-11-08, 12:36
Hi all,

I have suffered from health anxiety for a long time... but over the last few months have managed to get it under control. I don't think I'm ever going to be completely cured of it, though. Lots of things can trigger it, and today I am seriously anxious!

Not sure if anyone will know of the condition - otitis externa? It is basically dermatitis in your ear... not nice! It can be controlled, but when it flares up... :weep: I was diagnosed with this about a year ago. I can quite honestly say that this time last year when I had a flare up, it was the worst pain I've ever felt! It was like toothache in both my ears! Not pleasant! :weep: Due to my ears being very very itchy (one of the symptoms) if you scratch, you are more likely to get an infection. I just happened to get 2 infections in both my ears! Bacterial and fungal! Great! :blush: So, have been getting bother with my ears for over a year now, and there's no sign of it getting better...

Recently, I was told I had a fungal infection again, due to anti-bacterial drops I had been using (apparently that can cause a fungal infection). But because I've been pretty stressed out recently, I haven't been looking after my ears properly, so they are in a right state, to say the least! My left ear is particularly sore, and I have a sore jaw (sore to eat), swollen glands in my neck etc etc... I went to the doctor today (not my usual doc), and she checked my ears - said they looked really sore etc... and she thinks I have a fungal infection, and bacterial infection again! :weep: But, what really bothered me was when she checked my ears, she said that she couldn't see my ear drum, and she wasn't sure if it was because it had burst! :ohmy: Or if there was just too much yucky stuff and it had covered it! :scared15: So, then she said, but don't worry if it is burst the ear drops I'm going to give you won't do anymore damage! :ohmy: I don't think I need to tell you how I felt! Another thing which has bothered me, is I have to put in 2 different ear drops, and a cream too... But I remember being told by another doctor in the past that you should finish one course of ear drops, then start the other - not both at the same time! But because I was still in shock from thinking I had a possible burst ear drum (:scared15: ) it didn't sink until I got out to the car... so I thought I'll ask the pharmacist when I get the ear drops. The pharmacist was no help at all! I asked if I could use both ear drops together at the same time, and he seemed very confused! He said that was very unusual, but just go with what the doctor said! :wacko: So, I'm no further forward... :weep:

Just wondered if anyone else has had this problem before? And if anyone knows if I can use both ear drops at the same time? And someone please tell me I don't have a burst ear drum! I don't want to know the symptoms of a burst ear drum, as I'll convince myself that I have it! :blush:

Thanks in advance!

Lou x

24-11-08, 13:49

im not sure if you can use them both at the same time but i just wanted to reaasure you that you are not on your own, my daughter has ear infections very regulary since she was a baby, her ears give her pain for a few days and then they leak this sticky smelly fluid, hers normally clear up within a week or so but she did have one once that lasted 4 weeks and she had 3 different infections i her ears,antibiotics and ear drops eventually cleared it up

24-11-08, 22:45
I have eczema in my outer ears and occasionally get the infection in outer ear and boy to they itch and hurt. #

I personally woulnd't use two different drugs at once in your ears. Anti bacterial can cause fungal infections and you can have both together . Dr usually will give you an antifungal antibiotic cream or drops rather than two different ones. Maybe you could ring your surgery explaining your confusion and ask to speak to a Dr.

It is very unlikely you have burst your eardrum if your infection isin the outer ear but the Dr would not have been able to see your eardrum for all the nasty gunk. As Dr says she isn't too worried the only thing she should have said is don't get water in your ears! as this can push the outer infection into the inner ear if you have burst eardrum.

When everything has settled down again!!! then maybe think of buying some aloe vera ear drops - called aloe gold company they are very good for dermatitis and eczema in outer ear.

25-11-08, 12:42
OOOh I sympathise ears are one of my 'things' too, my advice forget the pharmacist, forget the GP and get a refferral to an ENT specilaist, I went back and forth to my GP/Nurse for years until he finally sent my to an ENT specialist who sorted me out in one visit!

He told me NEVER use cotton buds if you have OE as they can really make the problem worse, sometimes my ears used to itch so badly I would use one to 'scatch' inside (not a good idea I know!!)

He gave me drops which cleared it up in 3 days! and cleaned all the gunk out of my ears with a special suction thingy, also said syringing can do damage and cause tinnitus so not advised

26-11-08, 20:52
Thanks for the replies :hugs:

jennie, I feel really sorry for your daughter. Ear infections are a pain, in more ways than one! :hugs:

countrygirl, sorry to hear about the eczema :hugs: I read the instructions on both ear drops, and neither of them said that I couldn't use them at the same time, so I have started using them both! I'm being brave! Either that, or stupid! :blush: But I need to do something to clear this up.

When everything has settled down again!!! then maybe think of buying some aloe vera ear drops - called aloe gold company they are very good for dermatitis and eczema in outer ear

Thanks for the tip - I'll have a look for it :hugs:

smcc8172, glad to see it's not just me! :hugs:

get a refferral to an ENT specilaist, I went back and forth to my GP/Nurse for years until he finally sent my to an ENT specialist who sorted me out in one visit!

I was referred to an ENT specialist at the end of last year. I saw her a couple of times. It was helpful. Problem was, when I saw her it wasn't flared up at the time... So I got a list of things to prevent it from flaring up... Keep them dry (put cotton wool balls covered in vaseline in my ears while showering), don't use cotton buds, don't scratch etc etc etc... She also gave me ear drops, I think it was a vinegar solution :confused: But I was only to use that if there was no infection present and it was to prevent the itchiness... I used it, but had an infection at the same time (which I didn't know about). So had to stop using it... I then missed my appointment at the hospital to see her again, due to being ill.

I NEED to use these drops, and get it under control, and then once it's cleared up I can do all the preventions, and see what happens...

Thanks again guys :hugs:

Lou x x

20-01-09, 12:55
Well, just an update!

Since posting the last time things went from bad to worse :weep:

I have had an ongoing problem with my ears since last posting, nothing was helping... I seemed to have a bad infection, but kept getting given different ear drops which weren't helping. Eventually my ears got so bad that the drops weren't going in my ears due to inflammation, and lots of yucky stuff inside my ears... I don't know how many times recently I have seen doctors due to this, but I think I will have broken a world record! :blush:

So, basically last week has been the week from hell...

A couple of weeks ago I was given antibiotics and anti fungal tablets to take due to the ear drops not being able to get into my ears... However none of the tablets worked. I ended up getting referred to an ENT specialist, it was put down as urgent. Last Tuesday I had to see my GP as things got a whole lot worse... One of my ears had blocked up and I couldn't hear out of it, and I was in some pain etc, but my hopsital appointment was over a week away... So, I saw my GP and she phoned ENT while I was in the appointment with her, and said I had to be seen very soon as things were really bad. I got an appointment with ENT the next day. I was relieved, as I thought things would get sorted now and I'd feel better.


I saw the specialist at ENT and she had a look in my ears and told me they didn't look that bad, she could see my ear drums and they looked a bit red but ok, and my ear canal wasn't too narrow. So, that all sounded very positive... I had to get a procedure done - a suction type machine in both ears to take away all of the yucky stuff in my ears. It wasn't too painful, but a bit uncomfortable, and there was a couple of times I asked her to stop as it was a bit sore. But nothing to be terrified of... After I had that done I thought I'd be able to hear out of the ear that was blocked. Although this was not the case... I was given ear drops (which were actually eye drops!) and I felt they made things worse. They certainly didn't help! So, even though I said to the doctor that I still couldn't hear and it was really painful, she didn't seem interested and still made it out that it wasn't that bad... So, off I go.

My ears felt worse that night, and I was taking painkillers and they weren't working, and I was beginning to really panic at this stage, as I had it in my mind that I wasn't going to be able to hear anymore as my hearing was really affected at this point in both ears. I was terrified.

I phoned my GP on the Thursday morning (the day after the hospital appointment) as things were just getting worse and worse. I was in pure agony. I couldn't open my mouth, I couldn't turn my neck, the pain in both ears was unbelievable, I couldn't hear properly, etc. My GP told me to go straight to A&E. So, off I went. The doctor at A&E couldn't do anything, so had to refer me to another hospital to see another ENT specialist. He gave me painkillers and sent me to the other hospital. I was in tears all that day, I didn't know what was going to happen.

So, I saw the ENT specialist and I had to get the procedure done again - the suction type machine in both ears, to take out all of the yucky stuff. It was a lot more painful this time. Apparently my ears had filled right back up overnight. Because the infection was that bad... And I had been given the wrong treatment. The doctor wouldn't have thought I had just had the suction thing done the day before if I hadn't told her, as it was that bad! :ohmy: That doctor told me the infection was really bad, my ear canals are very small and inflammed, and she couldn't see my ear drums etc... So, the doctor I saw the day before had been very careless... My mum wants to put in a complaint about her... So, the doctor put in something called TAC cream into the worst ear, and that plugs my ear, and I can't hear out of it for most of the week, and it won't come out until it gets sucked back out using the machine. She didn't want to put it in both ears as I would have been completely deaf... So, she gave me ear drops for the other ear. And I was having to take ibuprofen and strong co-codamol painkillers to help the pain.

Over the weekend, I had to stop taking one of the painkillers due to them hurting my stomach... so I stopped the ibuprofen, and kept taking the co-codamol 4 times a day (maximum dose), however they weren't lasting. So, I was in pain again but couldn't take anymore painkillers :weep: I had to see an emergency doctor on Sunday due to this, and due to the fact that I didn't see much of a difference in my ear that was getting the ear drops... It looked like it had filled back up again with yucky stuff. The doctor couldn't get me seen by an ENT specialist that day, but phoned them and they said they expected that, but there was no more they could do right now, apart from give me more painkillers... So, I had to take the ibuprofen again along with the co-codamol, but take omeprazole too, to stop my stomach getting upset. This seemed to do the trick, as I breathe a sigh of relief :)

I see a difference in both ears now... Although nowhere near sorted.

I see my GP today. And I see the ENT specialist on Thursday. I think I will get the TAC taken out of my right ear, and they'll have a proper look to see what's going on, and hopefully will have the swab results back so they know what they're treating. They may put the TAC into my other ear and give me ear drops for the other ear... Will just have to wait and see. But I am going to have to endure the suction machine again... this will be the third time in a week, in both ears! :wacko:

Will update when I can. I just hope they get to the bottom of it soon, as I can't handle anymore of this...

Lou x

20-01-09, 13:48
I am SO sorry your having to go through all this! Im sending you huge hugs. I've been having problems with otitis externa too so I can completely sympathise, I thought mine was horrible enough but yours sounds 10 times worse! Its honestly one of the most horrible things I've had to deal with so you deserve a medal! I really dont have any advice because my ears still arent completely sorted yet but I've been lucky enough for the drops to help and basically clear it up, except its left some debris in my ear but because its not severe enough to get suctioned urgently there trying me with syringing which im absolutley dreading!

I really hope they can get you sorted soon! let us know how you get on :) xxxx

20-01-09, 20:03
I feel very sorry for you, and tottaly understand your problem, there is something that can be done to help you, but obviously I can not advertise on here, I would love for you to contact a collegue of mine in Edinburgh who I know would be able to help you after this has cleared. Please feel free to PM me if you would like more info.

20-01-09, 21:24
I really sympathise with you as I used to have this years ago for years. At one point I had to have my ear packed out as my ear canal had collapsed and the side of my face and neck was very swollen - basically, the yucky stuff couldn't come out. I had to return to the hospital daily to get it repacked, it was a true nightmare and the sort of pain you can't get any real relief from and just makes you feel utterly miserable. I also had to have the suction done many times, it's a bit like having a mini hover down your ear, I could hear stuff rattle up the hose, not at all pleasant!

I suffered for years like this and to my suprise it suddenly just stopped! I still get itchy ears which I resist scratching.

Good luck, I really hope they get this sorted out for you very soon :hugs:

20-01-09, 21:44
My son has just had this, he was given a spray for his ear which cleared it up.

If your ear drum had burst I am sure you would be in a heck of alot of pain, its far worse if it happens to an adult so you would know.

20-01-09, 21:55
Thankyou for the replies guys, I really appreciate it :hugs: It is such a horrible condition, and earache truly is one of them most excrutiating types of pain you can have! :weep: It is by far the worst pain I've ever had...

April, lots and lots of hugs for you hunny :hugs: I will be thinking about you tomorrow :hugs: Let's hope we both get this sorted eh?

Clarissa, thankyou very much for replying, I appreciate that. I will pm you :hugs:

sunshine-lady, that sounds awful! That sounds so much worse than what I've just been through, and I honestly didn't think it could get any worse! :ohmy: I have had problems with otitis externa for over a year now. I asked my GP today if I'd ever get rid of it... and she said once it gets under control after this flare up, as long as I keep my ears dry etc, and keep to what I've been told to try and help prevent it, then that will help. But this may not be the last time it flares up as bad as this... :weep: Yes, I know what you mean about the pain! It is just unbelievable... Thankfully, my ears are a lot better than they were last week, so fingers crossed I'm past the worst of it! The suction type machine was a bit painful at times, but at other times it was a relief, as it was so itchy too, and it was itching it for me in places a finger just can't reach lol! :D Hearing all of the yucky stuff go up the hose is just not nice though! Did you feel dizzy during it? They said I might, but both times I was fine... I am getting it done again on Thursday. That is amazing, and excellent that your OE just suddenly stopped! Fingers crossed mine is the same! And April's too! :hugs:

Will keep you updated, thanks for being there, and listening guys :hugs:


Lou x

20-01-09, 21:59
Hi Libby,

Sorry to hear your son has this too :hugs: Glad the spray helped though. Was he told ways to help prevent this from flaring up? If not, pm if you like.

I don't think my ear drum has burst, although no-one seems to be able to see either of my ear drums due to the infection! I was in a LOT of pain, but that could be due to a number of things, and not necessarily a burst ear drum. Thanks for replying :hugs: Hope your son manages to keep it under control.

Lou x

20-01-09, 22:00
I have a friend who suffered just like you quite a few years ago - reading your story was like reading hers. I remember having to take her to A&E for the suction thing and it was hot summers day and the Dr asked me to hold her hand while he did the suctioning and she screamed the place down and neally broke every bone in my hand. she had to have stuff packed in her ears and very strong antibiotics by mouth but they did eventually sort things out.

For her the worst thing was the antibiotic ear drops as they always gave her fungal infection just like you. She found that dairy food caused her problem as it was giving her exzema in her ear canals and as long as she was dairy free she was fine - maybe something to consider.

I really really hope you can get some relief soon

20-01-09, 22:04

I can't advise much...you know this is late for me to be up LOL! But I wanted to give you a big hug:hugs:


20-01-09, 22:18
Hey Countrygirl,

I'm so so sorry to hear about your friend :hugs: I totally sympathise, it is just horrible! I hate it! She is lucky she had a friend there with her :) I had my mum with me the first day, but she couldn't look, never mind hold my hand and sit beside me. She was away over the other side of the room lol! :ohmy: Then when I had to get it done the day after, I was by myself... and it was a lot more painful that time! :weep: I did have a very good friend of mine offer to come with me (thanks hunny! :hugs: ). When I go on Thursday to get it done again, I'll probably be by myself again :weep:

For her the worst thing was the antibiotic ear drops as they always gave her fungal infection just like you. She found that dairy food caused her problem as it was giving her exzema in her ear canals and as long as she was dairy free she was fine - maybe something to consider.

Antibiotic ear drops can cause fungal infections, as I think that was a lot of the reason why I got fungal infections too... and the problem with fungal infections is they keep coming back! It's a pain!

That is interesting about the dairy food, definitely something to consider... Will maybe mention it to the doc next time. Thanks for that :hugs:


I can't advise much...you know this is late for me to be up LOL! But I wanted to give you a big hug:hugs:

Thanks for the hug hunny! Here's one right back at you! :hugs:

Have a good sleep, will talk tomorrow :hugs:

Lou x

21-01-09, 00:18
Hey hunny, if I could I would go with you to the next one but I can't:mad:

Do you believe I am up at this time....and in chat!


21-01-09, 00:40
Hey hun!

Just missed you in chat! I asked if you had been in, but we must have just missed each other! :lac: But anyway, what on earth are you still doing up?! :ohmy: I hope you're alright!

Don't worry about the hospital appointment. My dad is giving me a lift there and back. I'll be fine :hugs:

Talk tomorrow. Go get some sleep! :hugs:

Lou x

22-01-09, 23:33
Hi all,

Had my hospital appointment with the ENT specialist today. The appointment went ok... I'm really exhausted, as was really stressed out about it.

I had to get the suction thing done again in both ears. Getting my right ear done was absolutely fine... no problem whatsoever. That was the ear that got the TAC cream put in it last week - basically a cream that plugs your ear, and is a type of medication. However, getting the left ear done was more painful. That was the ear that I was told to put ear drops in. Had to get the doctor to stop a couple of times during that one. After it was finished I was so dizzy... I almost fainted :weep: It was really scary.

Had to then go back into his office and discuss what was happening now... He said that my right ear looks normal, much much better than before. So that was great news! :yesyes: My left ear was not 100%, but they have managed to sort out the infection, which is also great news! :yesyes: The ear drops I had been using had sorted the infection, although a side effect of those drops was that it covers your ear in some wierd white stuff... and basically I can't hear brilliantly out of my ear because of it. But it's not a major problem, and he said it should clear up soon.

He took another swab today, as he wanted to see if there is a fungal infection present in my ear...

Basically the outcome is I have to finish the ear drops (was to take them for 10 days), and then put nothing else in either of my ears. No more antibiotic drops. If I get bother with them again I have to see my GP or see the ENT doc and they will decide what needs to be done... So, I have just to stick to what I've been told to keep my ears from getting worse i.e. keep them dry, don't scratch etc...

He said that it is very important for me not to use antibiotic ear drops willy nilly as I will end up becoming resistant to them and they won't work... :ohmy: It could cause a lot of complications.

I have to go back in 2 months, but if it gets worse before that can go back sooner. He said part of my treatment may be having to get them cleaned out every now and again...

I should be happy as it all sounds positive, but I'm not happy - in fact I'm terrified... I think just because it's taken a lot out of me, and I've been in so much pain and seen so many doctors recently... to then be told come back in 2 months... It is really good as they are obviously better, but it's just hard to get my head around if you know what I mean? :wacko: 2 months seems so far away! I'm so anxious tonight, and exhausted at the same time, and I have toothache :weep:

Lou x

20-02-17, 16:51
Looks like otitis interna (http://www.belmarrahealth.com/otitis-interna-labyrinthitis-causes-symptoms-treatment/)

Signs and symptoms of otitis interna can vary, depending on the cause. Some may experience vertigo, which is a spinning sensation even when not in motion. Severe vertigo can lead to nausea and even vomiting, and may be triggered by movement or certain head positions.

Vertigo may also be followed with tinnitus, which is ringing in the ears. Other symptoms include ear pain, a feeling of fullness in the ear, neck pain and stiffness, visual disturbances, loss of balance, facial weak point, headaches, tiredness, and ear discharge.