View Full Version : Heart skipping beats

24-11-08, 14:06
Hi everyone,

Back to the old missed beats again.

Does anyone have missed beats all day?
I have now had these constantly for over a month, they seem to get better then come back. If I had a heart condition, in a month would I have deteriated generally?
This morning I had a couple but not too many however this afternoon after eating they are with me big time! Does anyone else get like this?????????????

Please help!

24-11-08, 14:23
Hey Benjy,
I use to get them a lot, for the past ten years, and use to worry worry worry all the time, so last month i plucked up the courage to have an ecg, have you had one ? well for me it has really put my mind at rest, not had one since, and if i do i sure as hell wont be giving them the same attention as i use to. There are lots of posts about them that may reassure you. just put palpatations in the search at the top of the page. Ive read them all and they have helped me a lot, but not as much as going getting checked.

Hope you feel better soon

24-11-08, 15:35
hi benjy
yes i can get them all day long. and i do notice i can get them after eating also. i can get long runs of them or short runs. they are scarey i know. but what i try to do is keep occupied to keepmy mind off of them and try not to panic because it only make them worse. why not try going for a long walk and see if they subside.
debera :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

25-11-08, 01:51
I usually get this condition when I go back on Zoloft. As soon as I go off the skipping goes away. I had a EKG and the doc said it could be a side effect. The initial beat after the pause is a weird feeling. Almost feels like your heart will come out of your chest.

02-12-08, 09:10
Hi to you all.
The cardioligist always says the ectopics are benign and to stop worrying about them,I drive him nuts.I have also noticed the ectopics start after food or a drink.At times mine will go all day every second or third beat.The monitor showed over 3000 for the 24hour test,and still the same response "DON'T WORRY".
To-day I spoke to the doctor about going on a drug like zoloft to try and stop worrying about the ectopics.He said it may help and gave me a starter pack to try.Should I try the zoloft or are the side effects difficult to tolerate.Would love to hear from those that have tried medication to stop the ectopcs.
All the best,

02-12-08, 20:39
I get them at a rate of about 1 per day.

I feel lucky seeing how many others have them multiple times throughout the day.

My doctor has told me that they are not dangerous unless they become constant (where every other beat is a skip)