View Full Version : beginning of a heart attack

24-11-08, 14:22
is pain in left arm near shoulder beginning of heart attack - could it be from medication?

24-11-08, 14:34
hi bab

do you have anything else like pain dizzy ect.
see a pain there could be that you have slept funny ,pulled somthing ect i dont think that is the first thing you get hun

try not to worry

jodie xx

24-11-08, 14:52
Hi Bab

You could have been laid funny in the night, i often get a muscular pain in my shoulder due to lying on my side at night.

Always best to get things checked out though it your worried hun, will put your mind at ease then.


24-11-08, 14:58
its like in one spot on the front of my shoulder

24-11-08, 15:33
its not Costochondritis is it as thats where i get my pain all left sided upper arm and shoulder pain, then jus down frm my collar bone hurts all the way down to my breastbone it stabbs and aches and is very uncomfortable,its not serios so dont worry its Inflammed cartilage of the costal joints!! im not saying this is what u ave but it is common wiv anxiety?! is it very tender or painful to touch? as it is with costo...id go and see your doctor anyway just to see what they think but im sure its not a heart attack... best wishes C.xx

24-11-08, 15:40
i'm getting a bit of back pain and shoulder pain since i had recent panics,if you get any chest pain at all and are unsure phone 999,i was told to by an ambulance man YOU MUST.

24-11-08, 23:57
This could be 3 million things.
If you were having a heart attack you would have
Chest pain
refered pain to neck, jaw or teeth
pins & needles etccccccc