View Full Version : Hi, I'm fairly new on here

24-11-08, 15:14
Hi, I'm Cal and I suffer with depression and anxiety including panic attacks. I've been like this since 2006 when I suffered an extreme verbal attack from my line manager at work. However, my employer didn't do anything to help me and life has been one struggle after another since then. I have had ecg and heart tests that came back negative. However, this doesn't stop the constant fast heartbeat and anxiety I feel.
Has anyone on here found it difficult to access help for counselling, cpn's, psychiatrists etc. I have and wondered if Im alone on this. I've been referred by my GP 3 times but instead of being seen by a consultant for help, they write back to my gp with what medication to put me on.

Anyway, I'm new to all of this as you may all tell:blush:


24-11-08, 15:23
Welcome Cal,ive only been here about 2 days and really getting addicted to it,you could be me talking as ive only recently started having these nasty attacks ,i was taken to hospital 3 times and it got embarassing.I saw my doctor and he put me on tranqs and gastric capsules,i als had furthur ecgs and blood tests and am awaiting results although im confident they wont show anything.At the moment i am having very minior attacks and i get a hot flush come over me wich seems to wash away the pain and anxiety,i'm not sure if this is the tablets.As i mentioned elsewhere with my agoraphobia social phobia i have seen the whole spectrum of specialists through the years and i can't see why you have difficulty being refered to talk to one,i wasnt on any drugs at all befor october ,i felt i really needed them though,so back on the m now.Hope you find the site helpfull and i'm sure you'll gain a lot of friends.

24-11-08, 18:37
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

24-11-08, 19:41

Vanilla Sky
24-11-08, 20:09
Hi cal welcome, im new as well ,iv had healt anxiety for a while think it started when i was ill last year its just gone on and on, get some good days most bad. Iv had a few ecg but i always think maybe it was ok then but its not now! Im getting better at controling the panic attacks but now i get palpitations in my throat that make me feel as if im going to pass out just for a split second then i spend all my time waiting for the next one i havent hed one for 5 days so it must be due soon! I hope we can help each other x

26-11-08, 22:56
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x