View Full Version : headache

17-06-05, 19:05
Sorry to keep moaning on but I have had a pounding head all dayand I have put this together with the feelings I had this morning and again I am convinced its something up with my brain e.g tumour.

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

17-06-05, 19:14
Hi Steno,

Im with you here...I have constant headaches every morning for the past 5 years!! I was convinced its somthing bad but I think if it was then I dont think i'd still be here now! Only now have I got somthing form the docs as they think its migranes!

Anyways... I'm sure you will be fine - ive had a banging heache all day which worried me, but teamed with the hot weather here today (dunno bout where you are) I think its just given me a heache.

Maybe haveing a lay down for a while will take the edge off it...you will be fine & I hope you feel better..PM me if you wanna chat.

Tatty B xx

17-06-05, 19:38
hi steno,
it's sometimes difficult to get worrying thoughts out of our head - i'm so with you on this one! if you have been to a doctor and been reassured there is nothing wrong with you then i am sure your headaches are just a result of your anxiety, hot weather today etc.
it's difficult to distract yourself when you are suffering from anxiety symptoms, but it really will help. watch a film, go for a walk, have a nice bath with some eucalyptus which is very good for clearing the head.
hope you feel better soon,
henri x

17-06-05, 21:38
My head never feels 100% right. I have a horrible headache feeling at the moment. It comes and goes but is always there somewhere in the background..There is nothing wrong with you - we all have these feelings and get paranoid about them. Don't worry..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

18-06-05, 00:14
The same goes for me too.... I always feel pretty 'heady'. Sometimes they turn into full blown migraines and I will spend half a day or at worst a day sleeping them off feeling terrible. I've had a headache for the past 3 days now which I put down to the weather. I forget about it until I bend over and feel the throb, then it lingers on again for a while and dies down.


18-06-05, 03:04
I suffer with wicked migranes and they always turn my face numb and I am convinced I am having a stroke.

Have you tried "4head" - it comes in a little bottle and helps to take the pain away without painkillers.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

18-06-05, 06:20
My first panic attacks seemed to be brought on by the worry of migraines, which incidently, I only ever got when I was pregnant. But the thought of one coming was terrifying. I used to get a 'blind spot' and then a banging headache.

Even now, when the panic isn't centred around headaches, I still let them scare me when I get one. I've woken up this morning with a headache and am feeling shaky and sick. It is all to do with our anxieties about health.

Hope you feel better today, take care,
Love, Linda.xxx

18-06-05, 09:28
Thanks 4 all the advice guys.
I will try 4head and see if that makes any difference.

When I lean 4ward I get the pounding worse than ever.

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

18-06-05, 15:46
I now believe that the headache is just the weather because I had not got a bad head today when I woke up,
but now because the sun is out again, and, to make things worse, there is no breeze I have the same headache as yesterday.
But thanks to all you lovely caring people I am no longer worried about it.
Well with the way anxiety goes i will probably ne needing more advice about another symptom by tomorrow...

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

18-06-05, 15:54

Thats normal for many sorts of headaches when you lean forward or move about suddenly.

Do ensure you're well hydrated. When I first met my current bf I was horrified how many headache tablets he got through for pounding headaches so I decided to see what other things we could implement instead.

We found that at the start of a pounder if he drank 2 pints of water it would go within 30 mins (he's 6'4'' so needs lots of fluid) but if he didn't hydrate soon enough it made no difference but hands/ arms in cold water did help.

If he slept too heavy or was too hot that would start one so now have 2 quilts and change to a lighter one during the night if need be.

I would say we've dropped need for tablets by about 85%.

Aromatherapy does also help but harder to get his compliance with this..Refuses to 'go round smelling like some flower or another - Anadin doesn't smell ! '


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

01-07-05, 14:15
Hi there folks. I've been having headaches on and off for about 2 months now. I recently read that people with a brain tumor have habitual morning headaches, that get worse when they rest their chin on their chest. And guess what? That's what I have now! Every morning for the past couple of days!

Is it normal to feel pressure in your head when you do this? Almost like being held upside down? Perhaps I'm just imagining things, and that what I'm feeling is completely normal, but still I'm worried!

01-07-05, 16:16

I have bad headaches/migraines. They come and go and this has been happening for a while. It could be your vision, have you been to the opticians? It could be the tension from your anxieties that are giving you the headache as well. I had a headache for a week and went to visit GP on Monday. Was told that it was a tension headache through worrying and stress.

Have you tried Migraine ice or migraine kool'n'soothe. Its a pad that you attach to the area that is giving you pain and it cools and numbs the area. They are fab and I use them at night if I still have my headache or during the day when it gets worse. These are great when the pain starts to pulsate in your head or you feel a lot of pressure. You can keep them on for up to 6 hours.

02-07-05, 20:32
**I recently read that people with a brain tumor have habitual morning headaches, that get worse when they rest their chin on their chest**

The power of suggestion is strong in you, your thoughts are running away with you .. whatever you read is deeply flawed. It is far too general. Meningitis patients also get headaches when tipping forward and stretching neck - do you now think you might have that too ?

Hopefully not as you know meningitis pts also have a fever, rash and a whoe host of other clinical symptom. Its the same with a tumour - one symptom does not make a tumour.

It is true that a common symptom of anxiety is a headache and of stress too. Try to keep factual and not with worse case scenarios. If you have reocuuring headaches as has bene mentioned its prudent to visit an optician, review what sort of light you work in, what situations cause them, whether they respond well to simple paracetamol etc . Also if they do continue to persist do visit the GP for assessment.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-07-05, 01:08
With me, the headaches are my worst symptom, because of their alien nature really - I pretty much had one headache a month at most prior to my first and only real panic attack, now I have several every day. for the last two months.

The problem for me is that anxiety symptoms and sinister things (brain tumor symptoms) are pretty vague. For example, I get headaches pretty much every day, combined with occasional dizzyness, feelings of unreality (derealisation), jaw pain radiating to my ear and temple, one pupil bigger than the other, a period (a few days here and there) of leftward deviation when walking and a percieved feeling of weakness in my left leg. This is combined with obvious anxiety symptoms like neck pain, shoulder pain, trembling, butterflies in stomach, overbreathing, chest flutters etc. But I keep on thinking to myself - yes, I am anxious, but it doesn't mean that there's nothing wrong with me...

To me, its worse when you've actually seen several GP's (and two oncologists in my case) and they all reassure you that 'its just anxiety'. Are neurological exams they love doing so much really that accurate? Its more and more difficult to go back each time, and you can't help but wonder if they are really looking at your symptoms from a neutral light, or do they become more and more apathetic each time you visit?

For example, I noticed that my headaches seem to get worse when I bend my neck forward - but is this a good enough reason to set up yet another appointment with the GP? Its a pain in itself this health anxiety! :(

04-07-05, 14:13

Have you looked in the mirror and seen where your shoulders are ? Are you Yogi bear in disguise ?

Are you doing active relaxation / yoga / Tai chi or something .

You hold your tension in your shoulders neck, jaw it seems, so you need to take great care of yourself and try not to let it build upo. An Indian head massage or a normal shoulders neck massage may help these symptoms.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-07-05, 19:52

Thanks for the link.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"